
Saturday 9 March 2013

New all-time HIGH (not the DOW).................from Rico

Here is a new all-time record setting "high" and it's not the DOW!

Ignoring the 'cooked' BLS numbers and the 'headlines' telling you that unemployment has dropped from 7.9% to 7.7%, understand that these are bogus numbers.
- The 7.7% is really more like 17.3%.


The number of Americans NOT in the workforce in February was 89,008,000. The number NOT being discussed on the TV 'news' (hahahahahahaha) is that there are now a record-setting 89,304,000 Americans NOT in the workforce.
- Well, I gues our kommissars figure what you don't know can't hurt you (or them)...unless you're one of the 89,304,000 and rising.

1 comment:

  1. Realizing the problem is the first step. Now what is the cure? I have no more idea than you do.
