
Monday 11 March 2013

Late News............

Bankrupt America - The President Punishes His Subjects, Including Schoolkids

A Sheriff Explains Why Mag Restrictions Are BS

President Obama to award the Medal of Honor

CDR Salamander​: Benchmarki​ng the Bronze Star

BLACKFIVE: That Rumble You Say? Hmmmm... I Don't Know....

House GOP Leaders: We Can Pass Gun Control, Immigratio​n, Without Republican Support

Rectal-cra​nial infarct alert!

Trending: Sin tax proposals on guns and ammunition

German Air force operations leaving Fort Bliss

You Can't Spend What You Can't See

$433K Union Theft Not Reported Because of "Potential Impact on Membership​"

How to Weaken an Economy by Victor Davis Hanson

Dem Rep. Jan Schakowsky​: I'm not so sure we can't ban handguns entirely

Gun control efforts dying in Congress

Man on the street interviews​: What do you think of Obama pardoning the sequester and sending it to Portugal?

House Majority Whip: All Bills Should Have Support of GOP Majority

Does Top Gear need a female presenter?

Abu Qatada faces fresh deportation attempt after bail condition arrest

Obama limited to Kosher diet in Israel

Saudi Arabia runs short of swordsmen for executions

Syria: Al-Qaeda in Iraq claims responsibility for attack on Assad troops

China 'must stop unprecedented wave of cyber attacks', says Obama administration

Hackers release financial records for vice president, attorney general, FBI director and others

Media Fail: Hamas, Not Israelis, Killed Palestinian Boy

Marine Corps Commandant: ‘Save Every Round, Every Gallon of Gas’

Tensions Build as North Korea Scraps Armistice

China’s Military Development, Beyond the Numbers

The Promise and Peril of India’s Youth Bulge

Immigration Reform: Who is going to play the race card now?

How My Rabbi Told Me Obama’s Outreach Isn’t Serious

Trump Offers to Reopen the White House

Frank Gaffney, Jr. - Investigate Benghazigate

Obama's Middle East travel plans

Soda jerks: NYC health inspectors to deploy with 17-ounce measuring cups tomorrow; Update: NY judge invalidate​s soda ban

VA says it won't follow New York gun law

Fighting fire with fire: Syria calls for jihad on jihadists

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