
Friday 1 March 2013

Late News..............

Government Spending Restraint - Draconian Cuts And Armaggedon Or Fiscal Responsibility

Subway founder: If I had tried to start Subway today, it would not exist

Rule 5

CDR Salamander​: NATO Builds Starfleet Headquarte​rs

Why am i not writing? .... because i am loading ammunition ....

Senate rejects sequester alternativ​es

EagleSpeak​: Sea Shepherds Get Tagged as "Pirates" - Remain Idiots at Sea

Iraq Accuses Ukraine of Selling Inferior Armored Vehicles

Green fatigue sets in: the world cools on global warming

Former Clinton aide: Obama WH threatened my paper, too

Guys.. - Caption Contest (Cold Shower Zoomie Edition)

Once a curiosity, captured tanks a growing part of Syrian rebels' arsenal

Why Blacks and Women Should Not Have Guns

Montana On “Indefinite Detention”: NDAA Is Criminal

Lanny Davis: Obama White House Threatened Washington Times Over My Column

Qatar's influence in Egypt runs deeper than its pockets

N.C. Democratic Party chair owes $286K in back taxes

Titanic II - The Cruise Ship Strikes Back

Cuomo: Hollywood is going to be exempt from New York's gun laws

Argghhh! The Home Of Two Of Jonah's Military Guys.. - Awwwwwwwww​....

Great news: Q4 GDP rises to +0.1%

Ron Fournier: Yeah, I Got the Abusive Treatment From the WH and the Same 'You Will Regret This' Threat

Thousands attend gun rally in Albany, N.Y.

Caterpilla​r to cut 1,400 jobs at plant in Belgium, blames high labor costs and sluggish growth

Frankenque​ster unraveling​: DHS official 'retires' over release of illegals

Magpul to Flood Colorado with Cheap 30-Round Magazines

What if it's not really about the sequester?

Biden: Chicago Election Shows Voters Want More Gun Control

This time next week, Kenya could be facing another catastrophe

Another Victim of White House Abuse Pops Up

Sussing Sequestration originator will get you yelled at and threatened

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