
Monday 18 March 2013

Friday now?: Happy Holidays..​..............from Rico

Happy, Bank Holidays that is. Last weekend (Friday evening) today (Monday) was supposed to be a "bank holiday" in Cyprus while the final arrangements for stealing 10% of all wealth deposited in Cypriot banks by the ECB were worked out. - This morning we learned that the "holiday" was extended to include Tuesday. - Before lunchtime today this "holiday" was extended to include Wednesday...but no worries, Thursday the banks will be open again. Maybe. - Quiz for Socialists who love to spend other people's money (OPM), how long is this mandatory Cyprus "holiday" from their own money at this point? [Well, because "progressives" tend to go full-retard when presented with facts and have brain-freeze or mental vapor-lock, I'll answer for them: 5 days. The sheeple of Cyprus are enjoying a surprise five-day "holiday" from access to their own money.] Russia's Medvedev called this for what it is: "...the confiscation of other people's money..." - Ex-KGB Vladimir Putin is too angry to spit right now. Better get ready for the bankster Grinch to 'steal' money near you soon, and while calling it a "recovery plan" present you with a really swell "holiday" of your own. - Coming next is a 'special one-time property tax' in Italy. - This weekend Madrid made noises about a similar theft. - Switzerland is considering a 'special bank depost tax' by implementing NIRP (negative interest rate policy) which equates to the same thing as the 10% Cypriot depositor hair cuts. - Watch for America's ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) to 'change' into a NIRP of its own to confiscate domestic money in its own turn. Isn't it really swell that Barry & Ben's "recovery" has gone global, and that soon many more people will be 'gifted' with a "holiday?" Silly me! Did I say the Cypriot "bank holiday" woulf run through Wednesday with the banks opening on Thursday? Well, dinner time same day, the "holiday" has been extended through Friday! - The 'votes' aren't lining up as the banksta's want (twenty-something "for" vs thirty-something "against") so this could take a while before enough votes can be coerced or purchased to legitimize the theft of private money. Of course, lowering the haircut for Cypriots to 5% but raising the haircuts for the Russian biznyetski [read- former KGB, now mafia] just adds a new dimension to Lagarde & Company's delusional behavior. The ECB has not only stepped in the proverbial, but seems too obtuse to feel it squishing between their toes. - Such is huMan natURE...

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