
Monday 11 March 2013

Degrees of Unemployme​nt..................from Rico

While the actual (real) unemployment rate is 17% or +22% depending upon the calculations used (I think John Williams of is the more accurate measure at +22%), it's obvious that the 'official' BLS reported 7.7% is a 'cooked' number intended to mask how serious the unemployment problem really is. With that said, using Business Insider's graph which reflects degrees of unemployment (pun intended), while assuming a much lower unemployment rate than exists, is interesting nonetheless. According to this: - BA degree's have a 4% unemployment rate. - HS graduates have an 8% unemployment rate. - Non-HS graduats have a 12% unemployment rate. Extrapolating a 'real' unemployment rate of 17% (twice that used in the chart ref infra) or +22% (nearly triple that used in the chart ref infra) does not materially 'change' the thesis here, and regardless of the likelihood of the above rates being either 8%-16%-24% or 12%-24%-36%: - The choice to NOT to pursue education is not only an income-limiting one, but in a recessionary-depressionary market where cheaper foreign labor and/or industrial robots and software algorithms are the 'new normal' job market competition, it can mean unemployment due to uncompetitiveness and skills obsolescence.

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