
Saturday 23 March 2013

Could Cyprus happen in the US.............


Rico's Analysis...........

"I ramble shamelessly here, with the 60 days answer towards the end. Apologies in advance.

Interesting. At first blush this seems a 'reaction' to the Cyprus situation, possibly a bit of over-reaction. It is , however, a sensible and logical reaction.
- There are some 'prepper' undertones to this (bullets, beans, bandaids) but I do NOT say this in a negative sense. Storm Sandy has been forgotten by all except those who still do not have basic services, food, shelter, etc. The aftermath of Katrina was equally bad, and equally forgotten/glossed-over.
- A financial/monetary Sandy-Katrina will be much nastier and longer lasting. My Argentinian and Greek friends are still paying the price for government mismanagement and malfeasance, and the USG has behaved much more irresponsibly thus the 'cost' will be that much greater. Those unprepared will suffer and/or die.

That said, there are some already certain/already facts portions:
- Safe deposit boxes have NOT been "safe" for quite some time now. The USG has asserted authority to search & seize their contents almost 'at will' and already have in some cases. They will again. (And if a bank 'closes' there is no customer access to deposit boxes.)
- There already ARE plans to force a percentage of cash-good IRA's, etc into special Treasury Paper (special bonds that will be completely worthless IOU's in fact...much like the SocSec trust cash has already been raided).
- My friends 'in the know' have been telling me privately that the financial system is in worse shape than anyone will admit, or CAN publicly admit. They are rock-solid sources who know. Their consensus is that while the wheels could fall off the wagon at any time, but there is a window of 2+ years from now to 'empty' IRA's and prepare.
- It IS a very good idea to get any 'cash' assets out of the banking system as soon as possible, however. A Dollar crash/crisis will be sudden and a 'surprise' so Dollar-denominated paper assets will be destroyed. Few 'remember' when France suddenly revalued its Franc into New Francs. I think all indications point to a currency reset in the US at some future point...old Dollars will become 'New Dollars' or whatever they decide to call them.
- It already IS prudent to only keep as much cash in the banking system as is needed on a current basis. The very smart money has already positioned out of cash (cash-is-trash) into hard commodities/hard assets anticipating much of what is alluded to at the link.
- HOLD NO DEBT. The bankers and their political enablers WILL be merciless in summarily confiscating anything they can from the people to try and make themselves 'whole'...impairing the debtors will not be an itme of great concern on their end. The EU and the US have already become a huge debtor's prison, and this will only get worse...bread & water, then bodybags for the debtors. The guards will be eating steak, but the owners caviar.

Take away. Yes, it CAN happen here. In 60 days?* Well, I can believe it's a good idea to be "ready" within 60 days, but the 'timing' of a cataclysmic currency event will likely happen after the 60-days-to-prepare deadline has passed.
- It is no longer a question of IF, but now a certainty of WHEN....but this WILL happen.
* This looks very much like a 'frag order' (get ready for action, clear the decks) to GET READY in 60 days, but not that something will happen IN 60 days. It is a precursor or indicator that something is EXPECTED to happen at a future date uncertain.

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