Wednesday 13 March 2013

A BIG difference​.................from Rico

For the smug, we know better than you, "progressives" that infest the human population it needs to be noted that there is a BIG difference between NEEDING a helping hand and being a habitual societal leech. One in five Americans, that's 20% for Democrats (C) and Barry supporters, depend upon government handouts [read: taxpayer money; wealth redistribution] today, and the number keeps increasing. Something is not right. - Like a few percent of legitimately 'needy' cases and a large majority of 'leeches' perhaps? Have "wants" become confused with "needs" or is it a matter of 'not wanting' to work and thus 'needing' the productive to carry their lame asses?


howardcosell said...

Two things: Who is Rico? How is the Dependence Index defined? If you do not explain unusual terms, your chart makes zero sense. Yes, we see that the second graph is higher than the first. But unless we know what Dependence Index is, it does not convey your point, which is what?

howardcosell said...

Two things: Who is Rico? How is the Dependence Index defined? If you do not explain unusual terms, your chart makes zero sense. Yes, we see that the second graph is higher than the first. But unless we know what Dependence Index is, it does not convey your point, which is what?