
Thursday 28 February 2013


China’s First Aircraft Carrier

Please vote for our friend The Mellow Jihadi

Income tax is 100 years old: Let the party begin

More self-defen​se advice from Joe Biden: "Just fire the shotgun through the door"

White House: Release of illegal immigrants not our call

Van Cliburn, American classical pianist, dies

Mars astronaut trip proposed by multimilli​onaire

ISAF: Oops, Afghan violence didn't decrease in 2012

Hagel Supporters Suddenly Singing Different Tune

Obama the Hun -- 10,000 criminal aliens to prey on Americans

Time to jail the climate scamsters

See how AR-15s are made

Obama's Treasury pick Jack Lew confirmed by Senate

Fitch warns U.S. risks losing AAA debt rating

Turkey’s Erdogan Calls Zionism A “Crime Against Humanity” at UN Conference

Taxpayer Shell Out $50K For Mooch’s “Let’s Move!” Victory Lap

Bangladesh Islamist sentenced to death

Europe Frets over Italy: 'Two Clowns Won the Election'

Budget Buster: UK Defense Ministry slammed for wasting billions in public funds

UK: Unemployment Benefits to Finance Jihad

Can Obama Be Stopped?

Woodwardgate: Media Gang-Tackle Iconic Journalist to Save Obama

Al Qaeda on the Warpath - Terrorist affiliates spread after decapitation of central organization

US joins Russia in drawing ceasefire lines for ending Syrian war

Question For Conservatives: Why Are Your Children Still In Public School?

China’s Navy Goes Stealth

Pentagon Will Move to Implement Budget Cuts: Hagel

Woodward: The White House Threatened Me

Indonesian mum kills son over penis size

Rumours swirl as Chavez stays out of sight

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