Saturday 15 September 2012

1.5 Billion Bin Ladens

by Alan Caruba

Amidst the graffiti on the wall outside the U.S. embassy in Cairo, one of the rioters scrawled “1.5 Billion Bin Ladens.” Last time I heard, the last thing bin Laden saw was a member of Seal Team Six just before he took a bullet to the head. That is the way a nation that has been attacked responds to the murder of nearly three thousand of its citizens.

To suggest, as the White House keeps saying, that rioting in more than twenty-five mostly Muslim nations is the result of some amateur film that no one has seen reveals an administration that thinks Americans are stupid and unaware that President Obama’s foreign policy in the Middle East is responsible for the crisis that has killed our ambassador to Libya and others. A compliant mainstream news media continues to report this fiction.

At the heart of events is the intention to create a Muslim caliphate stretching across the Middle East, Northern Africa, and into Southeast Asia. One that will stretch into Europe and, presumably, America. The aim is to establish governments in which Sharia law will replace any remnants of democracy and freedom. It is being aided and abetted by Barack Hussein Obama.

I don’t want 1.5 billion Muslims to die. I just want them to stop attacking America, the West, and each other. The likelihood is that many, if not most, Muslims find the rioters an offense to Islam, but if they said so out loud, they are just as likely to become a dead Muslim. No other faith of the many on planet Earth requires its faithful to make war on everyone that is not a Muslim.

There is no making peace with the more radical elements of Islam for whom dying as a martyr is so appealing they believe that killing other people is worth strapping on a bomb.

Jews don’t believe this. Christians don’t believe this. Hindus don’t believe this. And Buddhists don’t believe this.

The history of Islam reveals a pattern of conquest by a cult that venerates a self-proclaimed prophet.

In 612 AD, Mohammed began to preach his new “religion.” It was a patchwork of what he knew of Judaism and Christianity with a mix of local pagan faiths. Its greatest appeal was that it endorsed the pillage of caravans and then of tribes as a means to acquire wealth. It permitted men to have several wives and reduced women to chattel. If you were a malcontent forever looking for someone to hate, you were instructed to hate—and kill—all non-believers in Allah.

In 632 AD, Mohammed died. His followers launched “holy wars” to spread Islam and, in the process, created the schism between Sunnis and Shiites concerning who was Mohammed’s rightful successor. They still disagree and, as we have seen, do not hesitate to kill one another.

By 638 AD, Muslims had conquered Jerusalem and, within a few decades, controlled an empire stretching from Libya to Afghanistan, a landmass that includes modern day Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Iran.

In 673 AD, the first Muslim attack on Christian Constantinople was repulsed. Having established Islam throughout northern Africa, Muslims invaded Spain in 711 AD where they would remain for seven centuries until driven out. When they tried to go farther north in Europe, they were stopped at Poitiers, France in 732 AD.

Between 1095 and 1291, led by the Catholic Church, a series of crusades ensued. The latter ones were more successful, recapturing Jerusalem in 1099. Saladin would recapture it in 1187 AD. In 1453 AD, Constantinople fell to Ottoman armies and the Church lost its base in the Middle East. Rome would become its capitol.

Thereafter the greatest threat to Europe was the Ottomans, but in 1683 their army was decisively defeated near Vienna, ending any expansion. It would not be until World War I that the Ottoman Empire would be dismembered by Britain and France.

Muslims have long memories and still resent the loss of Spain despite their spread into India and parts of Asia. When Israel declared itself an independent nation in 1948 those memories were inflamed because Islam does not cede land it once controlled.

In the modern era, the West has mostly sought to control the Middle East through the proxies of various despots, but that has not always worked out as they wished. After invading Afghanistan the Soviet Union collapsed when they were driven out. They lost control over satellite nations in Eastern Europe. The U.S. is seen as losing the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Militant Islam is on the rise again, driven in large measure by Iran, but also funded and encouraged by Saudi Arabia despite its reliance on American military power to protect it. The present turmoil has nothing to do with a quest for democracy and freedom.

In Egypt the overthrow of Hosni Mubarack put the Muslim Brotherhood in charge and President Obama had signaled his support when he gave his apology speech in Cairo in 2009. He then supported the overthrow of Libya’s dictator.

In all likelihood, Israel will have to mount a military mission to damage Iran’s nuclear program. If it does not, it will be destroyed. After Israel, America will be next. So let’s root for Israel even if the present administration does not.

America’s problem is the present administration of Barack Hussein Obama who was elected in 2008 despite the fact that his father was a Muslim, his step-father was a Muslim, and his outreach to Muslims has proven to be a colossal failure.

America responded to the 2001 attack on 9/11 with military action in Afghanistan and Iraq. It did not pursue these wars as we once did against Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan in the last century which ended with the demand for an unconditional surrender and a long occupation.

That’s going to be hard to achieve as President Obama continues to reduce our nuclear arsenal and massive budget cuts to our military power kick in. Those who think that America can withdraw from the Muslim turmoil and aggression behind two great oceans are wrong. We could not do that in the 1940s, we could not do that in 2001, and we cannot do it now.

© Alan Caruba, 2012

Some Weekend Rule 5 Blogging

Lots of stuff going on.

See: "Bodacious Brunette Goodness."

Plus, "Nicole Neal Rule 5."

And, "Candice Swanepoel Takes it Off in Latest Victoria's Secret Photo Shoot in Miami."

Check back for updates, smokin' updates!

Saturday Night is Bath Night...........

Will Ben Bernanke please pay my inflation-free credit card bill?...from Mike Haltman at RantFinance (and TPC)

Welcome to New York!

The release of the inflation numbers in the US led some economists to claim that consumer prices are under control. 

Benign inflation is also one of the things that allowed Ben Bernanke to unleash QE3. 

The problem is that for me and most other Americans inflation is killing us!

Read the article at RantFinance here.

Bonus Totty.............

Cartoon Round Up....

This cartoon has sparked no riots and no killings!...from Mike Haltman at TPC

the Onion has posted a cartoon depicting some of the worlds religious leaders including Moses and Jesus in a NSFW way. 

While followers have every right to be angry and disgusted they do not have the right to riot and kill. As the headline in the Onion reads, "No One Murdered Because Of This Image!"

American Crossroads: Skips


Lebanese Protesters Protest America While Wearing
American Clothes

Elk camp bean soup and fried mush ....

Why should we allow islam to set the rules, and grant itself immunity from its acts?

Opinon for Americans, from Canadian media

British troops help fight off Taliban attack on Afghan military base housing Prince Harry

Nine men found hanging from bridge in Mexico

Swiss farmer turns down £20 million offer for his land

At least 4 casualties in Al Qaeda attack on US-led Sinai peacekeeping mission

U.S. Credit Rating Downgraded Again

Innocence of Muslims movie a fraud?

How Stimulating is China’s “Stimulus”?

The White House Goes Wobbly on Free Speech

Police seal area near US embassy in Cairo

Man posted 'all soldiers should die' Facebook update, court told

Pic Dump..........

Obama's Record on Private Sector Jobs

This is worth watching as it debunks Obama in a clear and precise way.

President Obama has been touting his jobs record in a very peculiar and specific way, citing millions of "private sector jobs" over a specific monthly time period. This video looks at the statements he makes and asks why he is being so specific about his jobs record and if that is really an accurate way of looking at the current jobs situation.

Running Amok...................from Dan Friedman

OMG! Just had a horrible thought. What if the Islamic world get’s wind of my emails?

Courtesy of Breitbart. For a fairly up-to-date map of violent (always violent) Islamic “protests” around the world, click here.

Of course, all Western media with few exceptions are implying this is an understandable reaction to an “anti-Muslim” film few of us and virtually none of the protesters have ever seen.

With Obama at the helm, and full speed ahead toward the Muslim world, anyone care to extrapolate where we’ll be if Obama is president for four more years?

...and this just in from Caroline Glick: US-commanded MFO in Sinai under attack -- dead reported in compound

The Special Forces of ODA 574: Episode 4 "The Revered"

Islamists Killed Americas in Libya, but Right-Wing Christians Are to Blame?

Four Americans were killed at the American consulate in Libya this past week. So why do liberals insist on saying Christians are as violent as Muslims? Find out on this ZoNation.

Overnight News..............

BLACKFIVE: And Now The Other Shoe Drops.....

U.S. positions forces in response to Mideast unrest, marines sent to Sudan

US push to put diplomats in danger zones challenges security

Protests sweep 23 countries on third day of anti-US violence - Violent protests spread around the globe

ADM Harvey: Reflection​s, Errata, & the Path not Taken

Argghhh! The Home Of Two Of Jonah's Military Guys.. - I like this approach..​.

Jihadists launch complex assault on Camp Bastion in Helmand

US adds 2 senior Hezbollah military leaders to terror list

EPA to America: You will use more biofuels, and you will like it

House passes six-month spending bill to push budget past election

WSJ fires back on Obama ad: Yeah, about that "nonpartis​an report".

Team Obama: See what China's propagandi​sts and disinforma​tion specialist​s say about Romney!

Saturday Totty.............

Found at The Brigade

Week in Blogs: Radical Islamists Reportedly Raped Ambassador, but MSM Sc...

Why is Chuck Todd more upset with Mitt Romney than with the radical Islamists who raped and murdered US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens? Find out. Also, hear about the radical occupiers who threatened to blow up a bridge, and more, on the Week in Blogs.

What are they saying about QE3?...from Mike Haltman at TPC

After QE3 was announced by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke opinions were offered by a variety of market players and politicians. 

To quote one QE3 is kamikaze monetary policy! But there are more. Tell us what you really think!

Read the article by Mike Haltman (The Political Commentator) at RantFinance here.

Friday 14 September 2012

Taking the Plunge: Katherine Heigl Shows Off Huge Breasts in VERY Low Cut Dress at Charity Event

Man, what a lady!

See: "Katherine Heigl Steps Out in Plunging Black Dress for Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute Gala."

She's got a killer rack! Phew!

Bedtime Totty..........

Late News............

The reign of imagination

Islamic Zombies and Much More

Silent Support: Unpolled Spanish Speakers May Have Romney Up in Florida

The World from Berlin - 'Obama's Middle East Policy Is in Ruins'

Eastwood Hints To Esquire Magazine Obama Will Steal Election, Or Worse: ‘No Way He’s Going To Give Up’ Presidency

The u.s. media, nightly news and major papers .... silent as to the details of the u.s. ambassador and staff ....

End Times - There is that feeling in the air.

Obama's Daily Intelligence Brief… Who Cares?

How about "water ass?" ....

Maldives bans dancing in public

Experts Tell Beck About Islamists‘ Chilling ’Ten Year Plan’ for the West

Eccentric African despot sets deadline for execution of every death row prisoner

Anti Vladimir-Putin critic stripped of mandate

Israel's doomsday scenario is four more years of Obama

Obama and Clinton Must Resign – NOW!

No Apologies but the Toll Keeps Mounting

Obama’s Egypt Error: The Three Outrages

Drawing Lines in the Water

Power in the Pacific - Stronger Chinese Navy Worries Neighbors and US

Carney: Anti-Islam Video Completely to Blame for ‘Unrest’

Get Ready for Obama’s Great Recession

Wild Bill's School of Political Success

Late Pic Dump............

Arab World Descends into Further Chaos, as Obama Administration Apologiz...

Violent protests have broke out across the Muslim world. Find out how the Obama administration is reacting. Also, on Telemundo TV Obama states with clarity that Egypt is not an ally or an enemy. Plus, Bernanke plans to flood the market with more printed money. Catch all these stories and more on the PJ News Break with Scott Ott.

Happy days are here again!...................from Rico

The US equities markets are flying high, celebrating the Fed's QE III decision.
- Whoopee!!!

Happy days are here again.
- Or ARE they?

For those who cannot recall (or are recent gooberment-skool/teachers-union graduates/victims and have absolutely no freakin' CLUE) this seems a lot like 1930 before the hard reality of the market crash of 1929 sank in.

Under the Fed's 'target' inflation rate, the US working stiff has taken a 30% 'haircut' per decade.
- Inflation from 1990-1999 was 27.5%
- Inflation from 2000-2009 was 24.6%

I think we'll start to see 30% inflation per year, maybe more. Much more.
- The US will look back upon today as the 'good old days.'


Take Zimbabwe, for example.
- The Z$ was established in 1980 at par to US$1.54.
- By 1997, inflation had reduced the Z$ to 10-cents US. But that was 'only' regular inflation, like the example above.
- March 2007 saw hyperinflation start.
- By 2008 the Z$ was useless for any transactions.
- January 2009 saw the issue of the Z$ 100-trillion note, and also marked the death of the currency. The people said "screw this" and started using the US$ and the South African Rand, abandoning the Z$.
- The result? 'Targeted inflation' reduced Zimbabwe's per capita GDP to 1950's levels.

And everyone blubbers: B-b-b-b-b-b-but unlike Zimbabwe, Western Governments and Central Bankers KNOW what they are doing!!!!!
- Riiiiiiiight.

Royals Sue French Magazine Over Nude Photos of Duchess of Cambridge

A huge nude photo scandal has erupted involving the Duchess of Cambridge.

The lovely Kate Middleton was caught topless while vacationing in the south of France.

Full coverage at the link.

Afternoon News............

Navy announces major changes to GW's carrier air wing

Liberal super-PAC leader: It's easier to beat Republican​s by calling them racist than engaging on policy

Following Cultural Awareness Class, Marines Burn Down Own Embassy

The Overlooked Meaning of Bill Clinton’s DNC Address

Guardsman Looks Forward to Antietam Anniversar​y

The Second Batch of BTR-4 Armoured Personnel Carriers Shipped to Iraq from Odessa Seaport

Terror victim demands Mahmoud Ahmadineja​d's posh Midtown hotel room

Muslim Commemoration of 9/11 by Yoram Ettinger

The Islamist rioters should learn to see the funny side

Anti-Islam film: German and UK embassies in Sudan attacked

South Africa vows clampdown on Marikana mine unrest

Bloody Hand Prints: Harrowing Pictures Inside U.S. Consulate Where Ambassador and Three Others Died

Click through for all the photos.

It's worse that most U.S. media outlets are reporting: "Blood Stains: Pictures From Benghazi Consulate Indicate Horror of Final Moments Before Death (PHOTOS)."

Carville & Matalin :30 TV Spot "Stupid" | Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & ...

H/T Jeff

Bonus Totty...........

America at Risk: Budget Cuts Threaten Military Readiness

U.S. political leaders are facing a crossroads. They can step up and solve the budget impasse, or they can do nothing and let mandated sequestration cuts take effect. The latter course would have grave consequences for the nation, particularly on our nation's military.

Gambling with the readiness and security of America is not leadership; it is exactly the opposite. That's why we're showcasing real-life stories of veterans who have seen firsthand how fiscal constraints have hampered the Army, Air Force and Navy.

The nation's leaders need to step forward and do the right thing. The Obama Administration and Congress should solve the budget impasse today—not later, not during the lame-duck session, and not during the next Administration.

NewsBusted 9/14/12


World’s Tallest Dog Equal to World’s Tallest Mohawk?

City Portrait: Knoxville, Tennessee

CDR Salamander​: Fullbore Friday

Oil market will be investigated over price-rigging fears, ministers promise

Death Valley officially the hottest place ever

Tens of thousands of feral camels culled in Australian outback

Somalian president moved to secure compound after assassination attempt

Euro crisis? Carry on regardless!

Turkish authorities begin blocking Syrian borders

Syria: sectarian violence hits Damascus

Philip Hammond: British troops could withdraw from Afghanistan before 2014

'Blood Ivory' - Brutal Elephant Slaughter Funds African Conflicts

Katzenberg Funnels $6.6 Million to Obama

Reports: Marines Not Permitted Live Ammo

Israeli military, security forces on alert for anti-US Palestinian and Israeli-Arab riots

The math seems to say that Romney can’t lose

Revered diplomat's prophetic words before being killed in Libya

The Carrier Dilemma: How Many is Enough?

Submarines for Taiwan: A Flight of Fancy

The Philippines Economy: Ready for Take-Off?

As violent protests spread in Middle East, Canadian Hindu group screening anti-Islam film to make a point about tolerance

The ‘Obama Fat Head Syndrome’

Anti-American protests seen as tip of the Islamist iceberg

Six Chinese ships steer close to disputed islands, despite Japan’s

Romney Made an Important Point

The twelve 9/11 search dogs who are still alive

The QE3 Kid: Ben Bernanke childhood photo!...from Mike Haltman at TPC

On the day that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced QE3, his latest attempt to heal the economy, a rare and never before seen photo of Ben as a child has been uncovered. 

After seeing this picture it's obvious that he was practicing to be Chairman even as a young boy!

Pic Dump.............