Saturday 9 June 2012

Conservatives Push Back Against Left-Wing Harassment and Intimidation

Yesterday was another day of action in the conservative blogosphere, and things seem to be moving ahead quite well. See Mandy Nagy, "Report: 70 House Members to Call on DOJ to Investigate SWATting of Conservative Bloggers" (via Memeorandum).

I think all the mainstream media coverage is helping, but it wouldn't have happened without the right-wing blogbursts we've been having.

See: "Erick Erickson 'SWAT-ting' Case Featured at CNN."

MORE HERE: "CNN's Don Lemon Interviews Erick Erickson on 'SWAT-ting' of Conservatives."

Saturday Night is Bath Night...........

Elizabeth Warren Dodges Questions at Netroots Nation – And Leftists Attack Conservative Blogger Anne Sorock!

Boy, it's been quite a weekend over at the Netroots Nation convention.

Anne Sorock
Conservative Anne Sorock of Legal Insurrection has been doing some excellent reporting, and that caused the radical progressives to go after her LIKE CRAZY!

See, "Daily Kos Targets Conservative Blogger Anne Sorock."

Also, "Elizabeth Warren Staffer Attacks Conservative Blogger Anne Sorock!"

There's video of Anne trying to ask Elizabeth Warren a question --- until she gets swatted by the leftists!

BONUS: "Scenes From Netroots Nation: Daily Kos 'A-Team' Relaxes Before Posting High-Impact Campaign Exposé at the Front Page."

And these people mock conservatives as geeks?

My god!

Naked Protesters Flood Quebec Streets Before Start of Montreal F1 Grand Prix


Parental warning advised!

See: "Nude Protesters Flood the Streets in Montreal!"

There's video at the link and click through for the naked photos.

Afternoon Pic Dump...........

President Obama video: Stop bitching about the economy because you're doing just fine!...from Mike Haltman at TPC

If you asked President Obama how the private sector in the United States was doing he would tell you it was doing just fine! 

But you don't have to ask him because he tells you so in this video clip from one of his speeches.

Watch the video clip at The Political Commentator here.

Cartoon Round Up....

Bonus Babe...........

Pic Dump............

"LAUS DEO (find a way)"

written, performed & produced by Joe Dan Gorman


U.S. Navy expands 5th Fleet's gulf base

Pelosi: ObamaCare is a right, not a privilege

Tanks. Lots of Tanks.

The L.A. plastic bag ban

US killing moderate al Qaeda leaders, like Abu Yahya, says CT analyst

Obama “Offended” by WH Leak Allegations

Eglin Air Force Base endures its political football status

Ship Island Ferry Excursions

Quotes of the day

How dare they! Britain condemned on human rights in UN report... by Iran, Russia and Cuba

As the eurozone breaks apart, Britain must go its separate way

Chinese firms breaking UN embargo on North Korea

We must face up to the harsh truths about Syria

France nears recession as growth outlook cut

Obama: Message, I Care!

Bid to hide bloodbath changes game in Syria

U-2 pilot, downed by USSR, to get Silver Star

Theo's Birthday Totty............

Friday 8 June 2012

Late Late News..............from DJ Elliott

US killing moderate al Qaeda leaders, like Abu Yahya, says CT analyst

EagleSpeak​: What I heard at the Marine Corps War College Graduation

Pelosi: Those bishops suing HHS don't speak for the Catholic Church

Gitmo still not exactly shutting down

Obama: Let me be clear, the economy's not doing fine

Will Hillary hit the reset button for 2016?

Corroborat​ion: Americans really want the Supreme Court to smackdown the Obama admin's high-profi​le cases

Is "Fortnight for Freedom" a covert Catholic effort to unseat Obama?

This Week at War: An Arms Race America Can't Win

Ukraine a reliable partner that fulfills its internatio​nal obligation​s

Guest Post: A Junior Officer and a Discovery. By LCDR Benjamin "BJ" Armstrong

Late News...........

The significan​ce of this week

Special Forces Group to add 400 soldiers

Eglin General's job takes a prestige hit

Zombie Bullets In High Demand Following Flesh-Eati​ng Attacks

Long-missi​ng WWII Marine's remains brought home for burial

Analysis: Maliki enemies battle to vote him out of office

Ben Smith Concedes Obama New Party Endorsemen​t But Lets Obama Campaign Get Away Without Comment

Former ACORN director gets half a billion dollars from government

Frisco Tea Party 'Memejacks​' Obama's First Post-Wisco​nsin Fundraiser

White House Rejects Probe of Intel Leaks

Holder Caught in More Lies About Fast and Furious

Al-Qaeda statement by Ayman al-Zawahiri's wife released

Bedtime Totty.........

Afternoon Pic Dump............

Romney Campaign: Strong Leadership

In Israel, Obama's Pitch Still Falls Dan Friedman

By the end of the year we will see the Iran-Israel-USA kabuki play reach its climax. While Obama has succeeded to convince America’s pliant liberal Jews that he’s “got Israel’s back,” he hasn’t yet convinced the Jews whose backs are actually against the wall. Of course, all the drama could have been avoided if only Obama had controlled his baser anti-Zionist instincts early on. But Obama is Obama and that would make Obama a different man.

The Institute for National Security Studies, 6/6/12

Israel and the United States in Disagreement over Iran

“It seems that in the current circumstances, the bottom line is that Israel will find it hard to respond favorably to the suggestion/demand by President Obama’s administration to place its trust in America’s resolve to prevent a nuclear Iran and not act on its own.”

Read the rest HERE

Not all fun and games as a racist cloud looms over Euro 2012! (Video)...from Mike Haltman at TPC

With Euro 2012 kicking off the event has already been marred by the racist chants of Polish fans directed at the team from the Netherlands and an attack on english speaking fans in Lodz by 50 Polish fans. 

While these types of displays should unfortunately not come as any great surprise, it is alarming particularly when coupled with the rise in popularity of neo-Nazi-type movements across Europe typified by the recent polling success of Golden Dawn in the Greece elections. 

A video clip of the Golden Dawn representative slapping a woman across the face on a television talk show is included.

Read the story at The Political Commentator here.

Stand-up Comedian Tom Cotter - America's Got Talent Season 7 Audition

Building the Hofner Violin Beatles Bass

Found at Sippican Cottage

H/T Canis 61

Watchers Council results: The "Poverty Sucks" Edition!...from Mike Haltman at TPC

The Watchers Council is a group that consists of some of the best conservative minds in the world with this weeks competition providing links to 30+ articles on every global subject you need to know about.

The theme "poverty sucks" comes on the heels of yesterdays Congressional testimony by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke who said that the US economy is okay in spots and not so great in others.

That reminds me of the definition of recession which is when your neighbor loses his job and depression which is when you lose yours.

Find out who the winner for this week's Watchers Council is at The Political Commentator here.

Darrell Issa explores the Obama administration definition of Green Jobs ...

Afternoon Aviation...........

H/T Jeff