Saturday 19 May 2012

Late News............Updated

Making The Streets Safer, One Dummy At-A-Time

Faith in the Navy Brass

Super. School fined $15K for selling soda.

Sixteen Pages of Admirals

Study: Organic food turns people into jerks

Will Smith slaps journalist who tried to kiss him

SpaceX rocket launch aborted in last minute

New turmoil in Arab world: French PM's name

One of Lewis Wickes Hine’s iconic photographs shows the contrast between labor conditions of yesterday versus those of today.

China Soft-Power Watch: the Yang Rui 'Foreign Bitch' Factor

Five Minutes With: Dita Von Teese

World leaders push for Greece to stay in the eurozone

Briton arrested with roasted human foetuses for use in black magic ritual

'Unprecedented' operation to refloat stricken Costa Concordia to cost £200 million

The Hidden Costs of Star Creep: Generals Making More in Retirement Than In Service

Suicide bomber kills 9 in Syria

CDR Salamander​: The Defenestra​tion of the Janissarie​s

China: Annual report to Congress 2012 (PDF File)

Jessica Rafalowski Tweets Maxim's 2012 Hot 100


The full post with additional hot links is here: "Maxim's Hot 100 for 2012."

Bikini babe Jessica Rafalowski is linked as well!

Will Smith Slaps Male Reporter for Getting Fresh With the Prince!

Man, you gotta love this.

Turns out Will Smith just came out in favor of homosexual marriage. So what happens? This Ukrainian "reporter" starts feeling up the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air!

See: "Will Smith Slaps Kissing Dude Across the Face at Moscow Premiere of 'Men in Black 3'!"

Ukrainian Activist Group Femen Gets Naked to Change the World!

They're a little over the top, but in a good way, heh.

See: "Femen Activists Get Naked to Raise Political Awareness."

WARNING: There's a topless protest video at the link.

BONUS: Blazing Cat Fur links straight to the topless photos! See: "I'll be honest. I've never given much thought to Femen's ideology."

Loser Comic Kathy Griffin Calls ABC's Elisabeth Hasselbeck a 'B*tch' and 'C*nt'

This post is getting a lot of attention around the web today.

 See: "#WarOnWomen: Comedienne Kathy Griffin Misidentifies Obama as 'Harvard Law Professor' in Rant Attacking Elisabeth Hasselbeck as 'Stupid B*tch' and 'C*nt'."

Actually, it's Griffin who deserves to be attacked like that, and some folks besides myself aren't hesitant to do it.

VIDEO at the link.

Windsor 87 Aircraft Flypast Queen's Diamond Jubilee

H/T Jeff

Saturday Night is Bath Night..........

Mobile Mayor Sam Jones' campaign spending -- including footie pajamas -- marked as 'administrative'

H/T Jeff

F-22 Raptor - Joint Base Andrews (2012)

Afternoon Pic Dump...........

Cartoon Round Up....

Disclosure - What's In Your Head (Unofficial Music Video)

H/T Doverthere

Bonus Babe...........

Pic Dump..............

O'Neill Girls 2012 Surf Team

Dershowitz For The Defense (of George Zimmerman)..................from Dan Friedman

[I disagree with Dershowitz for many reasons. But they’re mostly about Jews and Israel, not American law. df]

The Algemeiner, May 18, 2012

New Evidence is Consistent with George Zimmerman’s Self Defense Claim

By Alan Dershowitz

By any other name...............from Rico

To badly paraphrase the immortal bard...FaceBook, by any other name..."

Day 1 of the FaceBook general public IPO was a disaster. The supporting syndicate had to step in with some HFT to save the day, but in the end FaceBook was a flop [ticker FB].

It is already being called FADEBOOK, and FAKEBOOK, and FACEBILK by the professional investing community (you know, the ones who lovingly refer to Mom & Pop retail investors as "muppets").

The hugely hyped FB IPO was no more than 'Muppet bait' but it seems the intended victims are starting to 'catch on' to the ruse, the Commercials have simply snatched the football away (a la' Lucy with Charlie Brown) too many times, and the 'muppets' refused to play today. This is a good thing, because they would have lost, shirts.


Is public broadcasti​ng's $445 million subsidy really a "tiny federal investment​"?

GOP leadership piling the pressure onto AG Holder over Fast & Furious

Case forming "jj's .284 brit," ™ .... i guess you just get better w/ experience ....

CDC to baby boomers: Get tested for hepatitis C

Mom, daughter spend year, $30,000 in search for lost dog

Repsol fails in first attempt to find oil off Cuba

Ambanis give first view inside 'world’s priciest house’ in Mumbai

Anti-gay backlash for Obama in South?

Miller's Eglin amendment makes it in defense bill

First of many shuttle concerts rocks at Hangout Fest

Scientists find car-sized turtle fossil

Ignoring Munich Massacre Reminds Us Olympics Are Pure Baloney

Britain has a friend in Mitt Romney

Sorry, Mark Zuckerberg, but I’ve got a bad case of Facebook fatigue

Republican hunters take to Virginian hills as election heats up

Our enemy is not only the Taliban: we’re fighting time

British economy may 'never quite recover' from a severe Euro collapse

Syria: 'no volume of UN observers can end the violence' says head of UN Monitoring Mission

Bomb attack outside Italian school kills teenage girl and wounds seven

Taliban Death Threats The West's Afghan Workers Fear NATO Withdrawal

Retracing the tracks of a Cold War institution

German beach bums: naked, wet and friendly

The Great Barry: He invented himself, just like Gatsby.

Senate Democrats Accuse GOP of Racism

Car bomb hits Syria's Deir al-Zor, casualties reported

Saturday Totty..........

Chicago NATO Summit and the lunatics at the gate! (Video) Michael Haltman at TPC

Let the gratuitous violence and demonstrations at the NATO Summit in Chicago begin!

For all of you 60's radicals and hippies out there who remember the demonstrations and violence that took place at the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention, you will likely have that sweet sensation of deja vu all over again as your present-day brethren take to the streets of Chicago for likely more of the same at this weekends NATO Summit...

Read the article and links to other stories at The Political Commentator here.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson apologize for a rush to judgement in the Treyvon Martin case! (Photos) Michael Haltman at TPC

Just kidding! These two only come out when the cameras are rolling to grab media attention and make accusations in racially charged cases before any or all of the facts are in!

Sounds a little like President Obama but I digress. The problem is that if and when facts emerge that show they may be in error, the silence will no doubt be deafening and the damage will have already been done.

Of course in the case of Al Sharpton those of us in New York know this behavior only too well. For those not from New York just Google Tawana Brawley and you'll see what I mean.

See the rest of the photos at The Political Commentator here.

Friday 18 May 2012

The #VRWC Report: License to Vote, government waste, and Biden unleashed

We need a license to drive, why not a license to vote?

Can you name 3 government agencies that lost more money than JP Morgan Chase?

Socialism vs Capitalism, a story in pictures.

If Joe Biden made a campaign ad... Sometimes the jokes just write themselves!

Get Back On The Democrat Plantation, Gay Republicans! Or we'll taunt you a second time.

Lies leftists believe about conservatives: Anti-government war-mongers R Us.

MSM DeathWatch: CNN Continues to Tank, Piers Morgan Hardest Hit. Oh, the humanity.

Late Nite TV DeathWatch: Abortion humor on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. Well, Walter Duranty laughed.

Capitalism favors the poor. They've got nothing left to lose, and everything to gain.

Today is Endangered Species Day. Yes, some endangered species are worth saving.

Barack Obama's composite citizenship. Maybe it's just multiple-personality disorder. Too bad there isn't a pill for that.

Lady Gaga Protests in Indonesia, Philippines

Protesters object to her sexually charged lyrics and skimpy costumes --- and no doubt her nudity.

See: "Lady Gaga Indonesia Concert Canceled After Islamic Hardliners Denounce 'Vulgar' Performer."

And protesters no doubt hate --- HATE! --- Gaga's nude Vanity Fair photos.

Also at NYT, "Lady Gaga Shows Prompt Protest in Philippines."

PJTV: Obama Friends Banks and Facebook Billionaires But Unfriends the Rich

Obama likes JP Morgan, and Facebook. So why is he unfriending corporations and rich guys? Plus, Obama is plagued again by allegations that he was born in Kenya and not the United States. Hear the details about these stories plus the latest on the Trayvon Martin tragedy and the Greek elections, on this PJ News Break with Scott Ott.

"Birtheris​m" Take Dan Friedman

The Obamatons in the media and elsewhere thought they had successfully suppressed discussion of Obama’s actual birthplace, stigmatizing it as akin to searching for UFOs. But some people never know when to quit. One in particular was the great Andrew Breitbart who promised us a thorough “vetting” of Obama this time around. Tragically, he left us too soon, but his staff at is carrying his flag and yesterday they turned up this: The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'

Now the news is popping up everywhere as you can see for yourself here and here. Have we seen the last of it? Stay tuned. Only time will tell.

Brett Kimberlin's Criminal Harassment Network

This is a must read post for anyone doing serious commentary online.

See: "Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin and the Left's Political (and Criminal) Intimidation Network."

Brett Kimberlin

Kimberlin was convicted of a series of bomb attacks in 1981. One of his victims, Carl DeLong, later committed suicide as a direct result of his injuries in the attack.

And if you think someone like this won't come after you, and terrorize you, think again.

BONUS: At The Other McCain: "Who Warned Us About Brett Kimberlin?"