
Thursday, 4 October 2012


Turkey Seeks Clearance for Cross-bord​er Strikes on Syria

Miss Teen America Contestant Joins the Army?

The demos are not crowing .... the media is making no statements proclaiming obama's victory ....

Cheney: Looks like Obama tried to cover up the terror attack on Benghazi consulate

Unrest, unease in the arab tent .... that usually portends war launched against israel .... the "common" enemy ....

Turkey Attacks Syria Targets After Deadly Mortar Attack

Bite-Me Biden on the Campaign Trail: More Than Just a Clown, But a Liar As Well

Ranchers see increase in grass thefts amid drought

Israeli intelligence: Sinai is the 'home of an independent jihadist network'

Scientific Poll; 73% of Republican​s and 40% of all Americans are Birthers

Round One to Romney: Presidential hopeful Mitt hammers lacklustre Obama in first live TV debate

How Britain can restore freedom to Europe

Al-Qaeda blamed for Europe-wide forest fires

Saudi Arabia to limit power of religious police

US presidential debate: Barack Obama gets a rude awakening

'Sitting on a Powder Keg' Germany's WWII Duds Get Deadlier

Liberal Media Calls It for Romney

Obama was taken to school by the adult in the room tonight and there could be major consequences as a result

Can Moscow and Washington Join Hands in the Pacific?

Australia Feels the Sting of China Slowdown

South Korea: Asia’s Other Rising Naval Power

Place Your Bets: North Korea’s Next Provocation

This is ‘the last straw’: Turkey launches artillery strike on Syria after mortar blast kills five

Was Ambassador Stevens’ death a hit?

The Early Read: Romney Won, and He Will Gain

Two million workers strike in Indonesia

Henninger: The Romney Reboot Arrives

Why is obama so dispirited, so indifferent? .... because it's over

ECUA, City Unveil Escambia’s First Natural Gas Filling Station

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