
Friday, 19 October 2012


A Book on Guns for Kids?

Let history judge .... obama needs to be examined on the matter of his islamic faith .... the issue needs to be solved, as a matter of public policy ....

Christiani​ty isn't dying

Orlando Sentinel endorses Mitt Romney for president

Minnesota bans Coursera: State takes bold stand against free education

Moon's origin confirmed in early Earth collision

Death of the Obamabots

Leaders agree to have ECB supervise all euro banks

The True Spy Story Behind Argo

Whoopi Goldberg to Ann Romney: Hey, isn't it true that Mormons don't serve in the military?

38th Sustainmen​t Brigade assumes command in Kuwait

O.J. Simpson selling ‘murder knife’ for $5 million?

2 Hawk hunters, 4 gunmen killed in clash in western Anbar

EU red tape is now getting in the way of scientific progress

Kim Jong-Un is a dictator says his teenage nephew

British engineers produce amazing 'petrol from air' technology

Weighty memento: war veteran's secret revealed after his death

North Korea threatens 'merciless strike' against the south

MoD is wrong to scrap historic battalion before the Gurkhas, says MP

Lebanon seeks legal action against Homeland

Falklands war general arrested for crimes against humanity

Romney Takes Electoral College Lead for 1st Time

Obama Contemplates Arming Syrian Rebels. What Could Go Wrong

Afghanistan: Why America’s Longest War is NOT a Campaign Issue

Iran Seen Bolstering Capabilities at Qum Uranium Refinement Site

Smuggling of Atomic Materials Becoming Professionalized

Obama: American Deaths in Libya “Not Optimal”

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