
Monday 3 September 2012

The Incredible Israeli Left.................from Dan Friedman

[There is the left and then there is Israel’s left. Its capacity to resurrect itself, repackage itself and recycle bogus threats to Israel (“demographic time bomb,” “loss of Jewish character” etc., etc.) if Israelis don’t toe the party line is unique in political history. But this report that the Israeli left may have cried “wolf!” one too many times is cause for very cautious optimism. df]

Commentary, 09.03.2012

It’s about the Iranian Bomb, Not Obama

No, it really isn’t about Obama–it’s about the Iranian bomb. And as long as the left is incapable of understanding that, it will never regain Israelis’ trust.

1 comment:

  1. This is a situation I'll neveer understand. Linked in my right sidebar.
