Friday 14 September 2012


World’s Tallest Dog Equal to World’s Tallest Mohawk?

City Portrait: Knoxville, Tennessee

CDR Salamander​: Fullbore Friday

Oil market will be investigated over price-rigging fears, ministers promise

Death Valley officially the hottest place ever

Tens of thousands of feral camels culled in Australian outback

Somalian president moved to secure compound after assassination attempt

Euro crisis? Carry on regardless!

Turkish authorities begin blocking Syrian borders

Syria: sectarian violence hits Damascus

Philip Hammond: British troops could withdraw from Afghanistan before 2014

'Blood Ivory' - Brutal Elephant Slaughter Funds African Conflicts

Katzenberg Funnels $6.6 Million to Obama

Reports: Marines Not Permitted Live Ammo

Israeli military, security forces on alert for anti-US Palestinian and Israeli-Arab riots

The math seems to say that Romney can’t lose

Revered diplomat's prophetic words before being killed in Libya

The Carrier Dilemma: How Many is Enough?

Submarines for Taiwan: A Flight of Fancy

The Philippines Economy: Ready for Take-Off?

As violent protests spread in Middle East, Canadian Hindu group screening anti-Islam film to make a point about tolerance

The ‘Obama Fat Head Syndrome’

Anti-American protests seen as tip of the Islamist iceberg

Six Chinese ships steer close to disputed islands, despite Japan’s

Romney Made an Important Point

The twelve 9/11 search dogs who are still alive

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