Tuesday 4 September 2012

MOPE Convention...................from Rico

This is the venue where the Food Stamp Coronation will be held by the DNC starting today (Islamic Jumah prayers having been concluded).

Apparently 'worried' that not all the seats may actually be filled and that not enough church goers from SC can be bussed to the convention, a little MOPE (Management Of Perception Empty chairs) seems to be the order of the day.
- Look at the screen which will serve as the backdrop for the speakers. A few rows of enthusiastic Obamunists projected up there will make it 'appear' that the stadium is absolutely packed with adoring supporters, even if it is not.

Like everything else this regime does, it is phoney. Fake. Faux.
- Did I forget to say scam?

And, in a sweet bit of irony, it looks like the venue is already "Eastwooding."

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