
Saturday 1 September 2012

Keynesian folly...................from Rico

Here is a demonstration of Keynesian folly.

Money printing has given modern history 56 instances of hyperinflation. I know I like to point to Weimar Germany and Zimbabwe as examples, but look at the chart created by the Cato Institute. They have lotsa company.
- Then consider the fact that there is NO recorded hyperdeflation event. Not one. Not ever. And what is it our genius Central Bankers 'fight' their battle against? You guessed it...deflation. Brilliant. This may prove that even Chumley is smarter than a Keynesian Central Banker.

Speaking of inflation, deflation, and Central Bankers.
- Anyone who has to commute to work and fills his own gas tank, or has to put food on his family table, or keep the lights/heat on knows what a steaming load of horse manure the 'offishul' CPI (consumer price index) number the government reports is, since it doesn't include ANY of the things people actually have to buy. Look at the bottom thin blue line on the chart and compare it to the top line. (You can also 'see' where the reported CPI was additionally fudged as that bottom line thins-out over time.

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