
Monday 27 August 2012

Economic coma..................from Rico

For most people, the concept of "velocity of money" induces MEGO (my eyes glaze over).
- Saying this is a measure of the 'commerce level' is almost equally confusing for many.

No wonder the FTV and MSM cheerleaders never use words like this, instead misdirecting everyone with words like "recovery" and talking about the risk of a "double-dip" recession, and how things are getting slowly better.
- Their narrative is the exact polar opposite of the facts: There is NO recovery, except the one written on all of their teleprompters. We are in a depression, and a deeper one than the Great Depression.

Of course, rather than upset people by presenting the facts, they are selflessly feeding them damnable lies to make them feel comfortable and to spare them any undue distress. Or stress.
- Noble of them, but 'saying' something is so will not 'make' it so. It'll sure be a sudden shock when it's discovered that they have overpromised and underdelivered.

Fade the headlines.
- The economy is in a coma.

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