
Friday 3 August 2012

Chris Hayes, the Jacobin at MSNBC

Here's the inside scoop on the f-king radical cable news host, Chris Hayes.

See: "The Jacobin: Chris Hayes of MSNBC."

Amazingly, Hayes claims that his network is "objective" and "mainstream," in contrast to Fox News, which he argues is ideologically conservative, essentially Republican in its partisan agenda. And that tells you something: Progressives like Hayes live in a rarefied intellectual milieu in which all other media phenomena are biased or extreme, outside of the appropriate centrist meme. That's an illusion, of course, and it's fueled by a foundation of the hard-left intellectualism that Hayes cites as teeth-cutting ideological fodder --- the ideological Gatorade of the academy. And his agenda is obviously marketable to large numbers of people who question the historic model of mobility in America, and the constitutional priority of limited government that favors the individual. Yet Hayes is too smart to come out hitting like a revolutionary firebrand and vanguard of the proletariat. But that doesn't mean he's not actualizing that role in his perch at the far-left network MSNBC.

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