
Sunday, 22 July 2012

Left Exploits Colorado Shooting to Push for New Wave of Gun Control

One of the more stupid arguments came from film critic Roger Ebert, who argued that no one was carrying inside the theater, but that wouldn't stop open-carry advocates who claim that armed citizens can stop crimes in progress. What idiot Ebert didn't realize is that the theater had a "gun-free zone" policy -- no guns were allowed on the premises, so no one would have been armed to fight back. Besides, the suspect James Holmes was said to have exited out of the back of the theater, changed into his attack gear outside at his car, and reentered the movie after propping open the back door.

Daily News Colorado
And the most over-the-top response so far came from this New York Daily News editorial, "Blood on hands of Obama, Mitt and NRA!"

Check the report: "Cries for Gun Control Following Colorado Shooting Massacre."

It turns out New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg announced he'll introduce gun control legislation to the Congress. Lautenberg's a Democrat, so it figures.

More at the link.

And FWIW, see the report from the New York Times, "Gunman Kills 12 in Colorado, Reviving Gun Debate."


Anonymous said...

Gun control is the poison bait of the left. Obama has purposely left gun control out of his agenda so he could get his socialist program in place - I'm glad this blowhard has now introduced it again into the campaign - it will energize, even more the pro-liberty electorate.

LifeoftheMind said...

Victims families should sue the theater owners for contributory negligence because their Gun Free Zone policy contributed to the deaths.

Toejam said...

Hope you're correct, Anon.

Personally there are other far more dangerous inanimate killer enablers out there that should go to the head of the list......Motor Vehicles, cigarettes and swimming pools.

When you count the number of "victims" of these legit death dealers the number of gun related deaths pales.