BLACKFIVE: Is Iran preparing to close the Straits of Hormuz?
Puget Sound sustainers transfer authority at Camp Arifjan
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Socialist France is "fixing their economy" by raising taxes on the wealthy. Hey, wait a second
U.S. Lawmakers Cut Pentagon Ties with Russian Arms Exporter
CDR Salamander: Sequestration: by the Numbers
Why Bringing Back the Draft Makes No Sense
Syrian forces stretched, intelligence chief dies
Afghan General visits UK troops ahead of Afghanistan deployment
Iraqis flee Syria in droves by land and air
Pelosi: On Second Thought, This Whole Tax Returns Thing is a Distraction
TSA: Training Sky-bound Illegal Aliens
If Syria Collapses, What Then? Four Bad Case Scenarios
Five reasons why Syria may be at a tipping point
night Shooting UPDATE: ABC Corrects, Apologizes--After Blaming 'Social Media' and the Public
Rebels forming unit to secure chemical weapons site
Survivor of June mall shooting killed in Colorado theater
The Roanoke Shuffle: Obama and the Racial Gratitude Racket
They're Coming for Our Food, One Food Policy Council at a Time
Senator says food stamp partnership with Mexico 'pressuring' immigrants to enroll
Obama Top Bundler Ran Bain Capital During GST Steel Layoffs
Wall Street Misconduct?
10 Left-Field Names as Romney Seeks Right VP
RE: the Marine pilot. I heard a similar story when I was a fighter controler in the USMC. The story was that the pilot spent several years explaining why he no longer had his issue pistol (.45 or .38, I do not remember)