
Monday, 16 July 2012

In Case You're Behind on the Left's Despicable Attacks on Mitt Romney...

I've been following this story closely, and here's the latest: "Facts Don't Support Obama's Charges Against Romney."

Plus, I'm adding below some reports from the last day or so. You should get up to speed with these, but keep in mind: The attacks on Romney at Bain from 1999 to 2002 form just one part of the main Democrat strategy heading into November. We'll see an all-out assault on the free market itself, because that's the essence of all the lies and smears. The problem is that Team Romney has been blowing one opportunity after another to regain the upper hand and deflect the left's false narratives. There's still time, but with the exception of a few decent folks in the MSM (CNN's been doing excellent reporting, for example), the Romney campaign has two foes to vanquish: Barack Obama and his despicable enablers in the Democrat-Media-Complex.

More later. Until then:

* "Take the Mitts Off, Mitt!"

* "New York Times Confession: 'No Evidence Has Yet Emerged That Mr. Romney Exercised His Powers at Bain After February 1999...'."

* "Karl Rove: Obama Attacks are 'Gutter Politics of the Worst Chicago Sort'."

* "Obama Bain Attacks Continue."

* "Whatever Happened to Hope and Change?"

* "Stephanie Cutter, Obama Deputy Campaign Manager, Doubles Down on Discredited Bain Attacks."

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