Tuesday 3 July 2012

Bank Robs Man...............from Rico

In a sick twist on the "man robs bank" theme, "bank robs man" fits the scenario better, or to be even more accurate "bankers rob taxpayers!"
- Thus, "The Great Bank Robbery" has become instead "The Great Taxpayer Robbery."

As LIE-BORgate unfold's like Sir Walter Scott's "Marmion"....or for something more contemporary "MF Global" please consider this:
- The LIBOR rate was under manipulation in 2008.
- The interbank lending rate spike (and credit freeze) was partly the product of LIBOR manipulation.
- Since LIBOR affects credit availability the "bailouts" were ostensibly to offset the freezing of credit.
- By manipulating (rigging) LIBOR, banks were manipulating a variable directly connected to the "bailouts."
- The banking system sucked $29 trillion out of the taxpayers post-2008.

?Do you 'think' the 'freeze' was intended and designed to get bigger and faster "bailouts?"

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