Friday 18 May 2012

The #VRWC Report: License to Vote, government waste, and Biden unleashed

We need a license to drive, why not a license to vote?

Can you name 3 government agencies that lost more money than JP Morgan Chase?

Socialism vs Capitalism, a story in pictures.

If Joe Biden made a campaign ad... Sometimes the jokes just write themselves!

Get Back On The Democrat Plantation, Gay Republicans! Or we'll taunt you a second time.

Lies leftists believe about conservatives: Anti-government war-mongers R Us.

MSM DeathWatch: CNN Continues to Tank, Piers Morgan Hardest Hit. Oh, the humanity.

Late Nite TV DeathWatch: Abortion humor on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. Well, Walter Duranty laughed.

Capitalism favors the poor. They've got nothing left to lose, and everything to gain.

Today is Endangered Species Day. Yes, some endangered species are worth saving.

Barack Obama's composite citizenship. Maybe it's just multiple-personality disorder. Too bad there isn't a pill for that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Big ups to ya'all.

I appreciate the linkage. Glad you liked my snarking on a hapless liberal.