
Tuesday 1 May 2012

Obama a divider of the nation? Huffington, Lovitz and Romney can all agree on at least one thing! Michael Haltman at The Political Commentator

Using May Day as a backdrop Barack Obama, ironically billed as a uniter of the country has of course been the most divisive president of all time!

That said, he is capable of bringing people together when the topic of conversation is... Barack Obama.

It's now becoming apparent that even some of the most fervent liberals can find plenty not to like about this President and his administration.

Despite the fact that the Left including the MSM has been mostly mute with any criticism to this point, even they understand what a 2nd Obama term in the White House would mean for the country (or maybe mostly for themselves, their wealth and their way of life).

Yes, even some of those from the other side of the political spectrum have found their voices and will now do what they were never willing to do before which is to speak out against this President, his actions and his policies.

Whether it's the taking out of OBL or the President's desire to turn the United States into a socialist-style commune from the 1960's, here is a sampling of thoughts from as unlikely a trifecta of people as you will find.

Read about their thoughts at The Political Commentator here.

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