
Wednesday 9 May 2012


IRS forms show charity's money isn't going to disabled vets

CDR Salamander​: Ship naming WIN!!!!!! USS Thomas Hudner (DDG-116)

You know, liberals, Obama did pretty much follow Romney's advice in restructur​ing the auto industry

Wow: Bomber in Yemen Al Qaeda airplane plot was CIA double agent

The Air Force Struggles with the Raptor

Environmen​tal groups collecting millions from federal agencies they sue, studies show

13 Investigat​es: IRS tax loophole

New Obama Admin Rule Allows Destructio​n of Selective Service Microfilm

The Left's National Vote Fraud Strategy Exposed

The Founding Fathers were too stupid to say what they meant… or something

200 war criminals are on the loose in Britain

Remembering HMS Sheffield

Who dares put our regiments to the sword?

Chinese media accidentally declares Philippines as part of China

Prisoner polls 40pc of West Virgina vote against Barack Obama

Great Pacific Garbage Patch has increased 100-fold since the 1970s

Giving up our liberty for free, one click at a time

Syria 'ludicrous' election count under way

Al Jazeera reporter expelled from China

Iran suspected of clean-up operation at nuclear site

Germany Still Locates 40,000 War Casualties a Year

Operation Self-Deceit New Documents Shine Light on Euro Birth Defects

Al-Qaeda’s bomb master resurfaces

Obama: “2012 is Make or Break for American Marxism”

About-turn on new variant of carriers’ fighter plane

CDR Salamander​: Top Heavy & Fat Bottomed

Informatio​n Disseminat​ion: Still Working Out the Kinks

Candidates in Orbit

The Bin Laden Raid, a Year Later

Members of Asian paedophile gang treated victims as 'worthless'


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