
Friday, 18 May 2012

Late News..........

CDR Salamander​: Fullbore Friday

BLACKFIVE: Remains of PFC Kight, WWII Paratroope​r, Found in Holland

Air Force: No significan​t changes near F-22 bases

The riddle of the Scarboroug​h Shoals

CDR Salamander​: LCS Ponderable of the Day

RSA Buildings in Alabama to be lit in purple Friday

House bill includes protection for Eglin Air Armament Center

Let us embrace our friends

Travelers salute new Pensacola airport USO lounge

Reef madness in Navarre

Iran's triple mistakes in Syria, Iraq and Bahrain

US Navy destroyers steal the show in 'Battleshi​p'

Beware of iCloud! Snooping software lets police read everything on your iPhone in real-time without you ever knowing

'Thousands' protest in northern Syrian city of Aleppo

I'd sooner invest in Greece than Facebook

Beauty who beat hundreds of women to final of modelling competition revealed to be a man

RAF rescue helicopter makes unexpected beach landing - so crew can buy ice cream

Nearly 200 pages of documents released in Trayvon Martin shooting case

How Politicall​y Correct Liberals Left a Muslim Gang Free to Rape British Girls

Serious Gun Pr0n

Iran Oil Production Drop Seen

Two Obama Administra​tion Scandals on Syria?

Arkansas primed to deliver nasty surprise to Obama in primary

Why the Obama Campaign Is Blowing the Election

Growing military buildup, spying in China: Pentagon

The Media Cofferdam Around Obama's Biography is Leaking

Why is the U.S. doing Special Ops exercise with Egypt and Pakistan?

House OKs $642B defense bill that Obama threatened to veto

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