
Monday 7 May 2012

Israel's USA Envoy: "Something is terribly wrong here." Dan Friedman

[Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren made a pitch for “Jewish unity” in a talk to American Jewish “leaders” yesterday and expressed “shock” that Jews here are up to their eyeballs in the boycott Israel campaign. Unfortunately, his words fell mostly on deaf ears. Oren’s audience was the left-leaning Jewish Council for Public Affairs, home to many of the Jewish nomenklatura who either promote, condone, or give cover to proponents of delegitimizing Israel.

Mr. Oren, a very bright man and a historian, probably knew that going in, but felt now was the appropriate time and place to remind American Jews that “the divide separating American and Israeli Jews is growing” – a theme I’ve touched on for some time. Given the stranglehold the American Jewish Left has put on our communal organizations makes me wonder whether that “divide” is such a bad thing. df]

Israel Hayom, 5/7/2012

'American Jews boycotting Israeli settlements is terribly wrong'

"Sometimes it seems that we, Israelis and American Jews, not only inhabit different countries but different universes, different realities," Israel Ambassador to U.S. Michael Oren says • "At stake is nothing less than the unity of a Jewish people."

1 comment:

PacRim Jim said...

U.S. Michael Oren says • "At stake is nothing less than the unity of a Jewish people."

Wrong, Michael. At stake is nothing less than the existence of the Jewish people. Never again, Michael?