
Friday 4 May 2012

Forward to 1981!...................from Rico

Headlines are today repeating as gospel the just-announced April unemployment rate of 8.1%...of course ignoring that the data is heavily 'manipulated' by the Government [for reasonably sane people, read: they lie like a rug].

Probably also NOT remarked upon is the 'labor force participation' rate which has plummeted back to 1981 levels.
- In less than a full term this Marxist has taken us "forward to 1981!" Hey, that might make a catchy campaign slogan....'ya think?

John William's "Shadowstats" which calculates unemployment the way it USED to be done (before "if you LOOK good, you ARE good" became official policy) indicates a true unemployment rate almost three times higher (over 23%), but who are you going to believe? Your obviously lying eyes and personal experience, or the caring and honest-as-the-day-is-long Government that only has YOUR best interests at heart?

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