
Friday 27 April 2012 Dan Friedman

As Israel matures and comes to grips with the damage done chasing the Oslo fantasy, all the evidence points to the antithesis taking root here in America. Left-leaning Jews have tightened their hold on the Jewish communal apparatus (they may even reelect Obama), but their ability to influence Israel and its policies has moved in the opposite direction. Simply put, frustration and increasing desperation have produced childish petulance, and as a consequence, the Left’s ideas to force Israel to toe their line are getting goofier, more ridiculous and beyond the pale. The upshot? A healthy distance is growing between the Israeli body politic and the puerile Jewish-American left. Make no mistake, the Jewish state will continue to come into its own as she overcomes the latest threats to her existence - and the divide between Israel and the faux “Zionists” of the American left will only grow.

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