
Monday 16 April 2012

BoMS in the middle of April

Welcome to the April 16, 2012 edition of best of me symphony.

Tracy Miller presents 9 Legal Terms to Know Before Buying a Home posted at Insurancequotes,org.

Sue Waters presents 8 Bumper Stickers It’s Time to Retire posted at Car Insurance Blog News, Tips, and Quotes.

Tanya Yoworski presents 25 Pinners to Follow for Health Inspiration posted at Medical Billing and Coding Certification.

Trisha Torrey presents 10 Surprising Facts About The Hells Angels posted at

Linda Ross presents 10 Creepy But Real Apartment Names posted at Renters Insurance.

Jessica Miller presents 10 Most Common Pinterest Pins posted at Internet Service Providers, saying, "Pinterest, the unique social networking site that allows users to share their interests, ideas and things that they love on a virtual pinboard, has skyrocketed in popularity over the course of this past year."

Martina Keyhell presents 7 Bad Habits Kids Pick Up From Twitter posted at Become A Nanny, saying, "Social media forums have some real up sides, we can’t deny that. When it comes to staying in touch with far-flung friends and family and being up to speed with all the latest and greatest in news and gossip, it’s been a real blessing to have social networking sites like Twitter."

Suzanne Cullen presents Au Pair » 10 Examples of Fast Food in Other Countries posted at aupair, saying, "Often we hear that other countries don’t have the quantity of fast food restaurants that the United States does, but one look will tell you those numbers are growing."

Tinzley Margolin presents 10 Reasons Parents Don’t Believe Their Child is Sick posted at Kids Bedding, saying, "It’s a never-ending battle and a narrow tightrope to walk, dealing with kids who tell you they’re sick. On the one hand, as a caring parent you always want to look out for the welfare of your children and to help them when they’re feeling less than 100%."

Laura Edgar presents Going, Going, Gone: Double Miles Challenge Ends One Month Early posted at NerdWallet Blog - Credit Card Watch, saying, ""We told you to sign up for the Capital One Venture Double Miles Challenge, and you did! In fact, so many of you did that there are no miles left. Capital One ended their famous Double Miles Challenge after reaching their allocated 1 billion mile limit on April 4th.""

Suzanne Cullen presents Au Pair » 10 Reasons it Can be Hard to Adopt a Child posted at aupair, saying, "There is nothing more precious than the gift of a child. Unfortunately hundreds of thousands of couples experience infertility every year and are robbed of this gift."

Abby Nelson presents 10 Signs Your Child is About to Throw Up posted at Nanny Classifieds, saying, "I’m pretty sure we all know the look of a child that’s getting ready to throw up, but what we may not know are some reasons that are the cause of the actual ‘event’. Be warned: if your child suffers from any of the things ."

Martha Stewart presents 12 Financial Chats You Should Tune Into on Twitter | OnlineMBA posted at

Mary Edwards presents 10 Same-Sex Dating Challenges posted at Best Dating Sites, saying, "On top of the traditional issues involved with dating, same-sex couples face a whole other set of challenges as well. Collectively, they can present quite a daunting obstacle course for those hoping to find the right partner."

Debbie Denard presents 10 Video Game Nanny Characters We’d Like to See posted at Nanny, saying, "We think it’s about time nannies got their proper due and were recognized for the vital role they play in households across the land."

Sonny Giffin presents 10 Tools for Blocking Inappropriate Websites for Families posted at Nanny Websites, saying, "If you’re shopping for a reliable product that will make the internet safe for family viewing in your home, we’ve got a list you’re sure to appreciate."

 Kaitlyn Johnson presents 10 Serious Diseases that Strike Infants posted at Newborn Care, saying, "There is no greater concern for new parents than the health and well-being of their infant child. Proper nutrition, adequate medical care and vaccinations have reduced the risk of infant diseases greatly in recent years."

Tracy Miller presents 9 Car Accessories That Used to Be Science Fiction posted at Insurancequotes,org.

Allen Miller presents 10 Reasons Deregulated Electricity Companies Raise Prices posted at Electricity Providers, saying, "There are numerous reasons for price increases in energy sources, as with other services. The difference that deregulation provides is in creating competition to make the costs more affordable overall and provide choices for consumers."

Kaja Vollmer presents 10 Ways to Keep Your Boss from Seeing Your Internet History posted at High Speed Internet Service, saying, "Internet surfing at work is frowned upon in many businesses. Employers do not like their employees spending time browsing when they should be working. But often, when work is slow or between projects, employees will fill the down time with personal internet exploration."

Carol Watson         presents 10 Common Reasons a Family Profile Might Get No Responses posted at National Nannies, saying, "If you’ve posted a profile online at a nanny website and aren’t getting a lot of responses it could be due to any of a number of reasons."

Barbara Williams presents 10 Reasons Grandparents CAN Be Terrible Sitters posted at Find A Babysitter, saying, "Who could be more loving and caring for your children than your parents? Grandparents are a godsend for those times when you need a reliable babysitter. They’re almost always willing to watch the kids, and never sneak their boyfriends in after you’ve left them alone for a night out."

Nancy Parker presents 10 Natural Instincts and Learned Behaviors That Work Against Parents posted at eNannySource, saying, "Most of the time we applaud the “mother’s instinct” and usually it is right on target; particularly so in emergency situations. We all have instincts and usually they can help us out in the majority of situations."

Yelin george presents 10 Most Ridiculous Uses of the Internet in Movies posted at Cable TV Providers, saying, "If you’re a regular moviegoer and avid web surfer then you’ve probably seen your fair share of films that strain the limits of credibility where the use of the internet is concerned."

Hannah Howard presents 10 Ways to Hit the Web Traffic Jackpot posted at Longhorn Leads, LLC, saying, "You can design the most attractive website or create the best blog on the web and it will all be wasted effort if it never sees the light of day."

Trisha Torrey presents 9 Resources Every Motorcycle Lover Should Bookmark | posted at

Maryanne Williams presents 10 Reasons Kids Should Be Online at an Early Age posted at Share a Nanny, saying, "Much has been made of the potentially hazardous landscape for children that is the internet, and rightly so. Parents do need to be concerned about how their children make use of this valuable tool, and a valuable tool it surely is."

Martha Stewart presents 9 Signs There’s an Office Bully in Your Midst posted at

Yelin george presents 10 Movies That Broke Down Racial Barriers posted at Cable TV Providers, saying, "At its best, film-making holds a mirror up to its audience, thus providing an unblinking reflection. Much of what resonates with us in cinema tells us something about ourselves. In regard to the history of race relations..........."

Kelley Wilson presents 10 Most Common Uses for iPads in Reality posted at MacApper, saying, "Before the launch of the first-generation iPad, Apple touted the new device’s ability to revolutionize workplace productivity as a forerunner in the much-hyped tablet platform. Since the first announcement from Apple to unveil the product, the device has been revamped into the iPad 2 with a third-gen offering in the works."

Hannah Anderson presents 10 Reasons Moms Just Don’t Get Any Time Alone posted at Full Time Nanny, saying, "You wouldn’t expect to work constantly and not get any vacation time or time off and yet motherhood can seem just that way on a daily basis. There are many reasons mothers don’t get much needed alone time."

Nancy Parker presents 10 Ways to Reward Kids for Good Grades posted at eNannySource, saying, "Academic achievement is always worthy of a reward, and kids should know their efforts are appreciated. If you’re looking for some way to acknowledge your young scholar for a job well done, we’ve got some suggestions for you. Here are 10 ways to reward kids for good grades."

Trisha Torrey presents 8 Bits of Biker Slang Every Rider Should Know | posted at

Jessica Miller presents 10 Online Signs an Employee is Job Hunting posted at Internet Service Providers, saying, "Job hunting in the workplace is always a risky business and, unless you’re being right-sized out of your present job, should be done only on your own time."

Melanie Slaugh presents 10 Blogs that LOVE to Bash Rush Limbaugh posted at Internet Service Providers, saying, "When it comes to left-wing, liberal, blue state, Occupy-Whatever political discourse, there are few targets quite as satisfying as right-wing, conservative, red state, War-on-Whatever radio commentator Rush Limbaugh. His no-holds-barred anti-liberal vitriol just hits the spot, and there’s no shortage of places on the web where he’s routinely lambasted accordingly."

Tina Marconi presents 10 Reasons Kids Can’t Resist Claw Machines | Babysitters posted at Babysitters, saying, "These great big phone booth-sized cases, stuffed to the gills with soft toys, beckon from across the room whenever kids see them. And they see them everywhere – arcades, restaurants, lobbies and malls."

Roxanne Porter presents 10 Reasons Some Nannies Make More Than Doctors posted at Nanny Jobs, saying, "For working parents, finding the right nanny to entrust with the care of their children is worth all the money in the World. So it should come as no surprise that many are very well compensated for their services."

Tracy Miller presents 10 Most Overhyped Health Products on the Market posted at Insurancequotes,org.

Jessica Jackson presents 10 Ways Moms Can Get Rid of a Splitting Headache posted at Summer Nanny Jobs, saying, "Nothing is more inconvenient and more annoying than a splitting headache. This is especially true when you have a family to care for and kids depending on you to keep the household functioning."

Lindsay Samuels presents 10 Physical Signs a Child is Lying to You posted at Nanny Background Check, saying, "There’s an old joke about lawyers and politicians that asks the question “How can you tell when they’re lying?” The answer, of course, is “When their lips are ................."

wizard presents one less idiot | Optimum Awareness Leads to Optimum Control in Your Life posted at wizard corpse, saying, "this is part 1 of Wizardcorpse start up crash course. learn more about yourself and about your world"

Byteful Travel presents Japanese Tea Garden Review: Home of San Francisco's Hidden Sea Monster posted at Byteful Travel, saying, "San Francisco, CA - At first glance, the Japanese Tea Garden nestled within Golden Gate Park seems innocent enough. Birds frolic in its ponds. Verdant trees tower high above your head. And everything seems to be at perfect peace. At first glance, at least. What you don’t know is that the Japanese Tea Garden is home to a disguised Sea Monster, hidden in plain sight."

Melanie Slaugh presents 10 Ways People Use Twitter to Spy on Others posted at Internet Service Providers, saying, "Social networking websites like Twitter have proven to be powerful and popular communication tools. Members can share information and opinions around the world in a matter of seconds."

Gordan Smith presents 10 Ways to Spread Religion via Twitter posted at Internet Provider, saying, "If religion is your message, then the mountaintop from which you may spread it has no better modern-day equivalent than Twitter."

Paul Taylor presents 10 Tips for Clipping Your Baby’s Fingernails | Babysitting Jobs posted at Babysitting Jobs, saying, "When parents bring home their newborn infant, it doesn’t take long to notice their tiny little fingernails. They’re not only totally adorable, they grow really fast and they’re incredibly sharp. If those fingernails don’t get trimmed regularly, the baby will inadvertently scratch themselves and you."

Kathy Simmons presents 10 Arguments You Should Let Your Child Win | Nanny Services posted at Nanny Services, saying, "As children mature they start to become more assertive and this can lead to arguments with their parents. Some kids will argue about almost anything. This is a bad habit that you don’t want to encourage."

Molly Cunningham presents 10 Ways to Get Kids to Sit Still for a Haircut posted at Live-In Nanny, saying, "Do you see all of these kids, boys and girls, running around with really long hair? I don’t think it’s because their parents love long hair. I think it’s because they can’t get their kid to sit still long enough to get a good haircut."

Theresa Torres presents Top Five iPad Tutorials for Novices posted at Source of the latest news in information technology, saying, "If you're among the crowd of novice iPad users and want to be familiar with your iPad's many functions, here are the top five tutorials that can help you get started so you'll get the most out of your iPad."

Theresa Torres presents Six Great Sports to Try with Your Dog posted at Vet Blog, saying, "Sports is a great way to bond with your dog. It not only benefits you, keeping you in good shape, it also helps your dog stay active and alert. Try these sports ideas that you and your dog can enjoy together."

Theresa Torres presents 7 Questions to Ask a Scuba Diving Instructor | posted at, saying, "Scuba diving is a great sport, but it can be a little scary. Before getting started, it's important to find an experienced scuba diving instructor and ask him these seven important questions."

Maureen Denard presents 10 Things Moms Dream of Doing with Their Daughters posted at Find A Nanny, saying, "The relationship between a mother and her daughter is a very special bond. It begins long before birth, as do the dreams of every mother or mother-to-be."

Carol Watson         presents 10 Early Signs Your Child May Have a Learning Disorder posted at National Nannies, saying, "In most cases learning disabilities won’t be identified in children until after they’ve been attending school for several years. Even then, the indications aren’t always obvious and consequently don’t present themselves clearly apart from formal training."

Sandra McAubre presents 10 Reasons Your Child May Be Cross-Eyed posted at Hire a Nanny, saying, "Strabismus, which is more commonly known as having crossed eyes, is a condition wherein the eyes do not point in the same direction and so they do not focus on the same object simultaneously."

Jennifer Miner presents Volunteering in New Orleans posted at The Vacation Gals - Family travel, girlfriend getaways, romantic getaways, destinations, things to do, travel tips, saying, "Guest contributor Jessica S. reminds us that New Orleans is still in pretty bad shape, and a vacations there is more meaningful if you add some volunteering time to it."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of best of me symphony using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Unknown said...

Some of these are always unbelievably useful. Thanks Theo!


Wizardcorpse said...