Thursday 1 March 2012

Paul beats Obama...............from Rico

Since there is virtually NO difference between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party today (tell me the difference between Romney and Obama save for the ability to produce a valid birth certificate), I'm pretty certain you won't see this in the MSM or anywhere else, but:

Ron Paul in the latest Rasmussen Poll beats Obama by a few points. Gee, with negative press or NO press?
- This is better than the 'whomever' wins from either party in 2012 (which means it's the same crappy deal and no substantive change in things). No wonder both Left and Right are scared of this guy and call him crazy. We need a LOT less of the current establishment 'sanity' and more of this kind of 'crazy' methinks.
- Let's consider a real "throw the bum's out" instead of giving lip-service to the idea.

Whatever 'happens' at the faux-phoney-staged conventions, and whether-or-not Paul manages to get onto the 2012 ballot, I think a massive write-in for him might do the trick.
- We badly need a 'game changer' and the others are not it...just more of the same old, same old that we keep getting forced into. Tweedledum and Tweedledee is really NO choice, but only the illusion of one...

1 comment:

Lola said...

Ron Paul is the real deal. He is economically literate, which Obama is decidedly not. He is a man of principle, which Obama is not. But will such an uncompromising attitude endear him to enough voters - especially as many of them are woefully ignorant and simple economics and love enitlements.