
Monday, 19 March 2012

Late News..............

Tommy's Tards & The WCBIED

Monks and Maritime Strategy?

CDR Salamander​: Charting the Boomer Legacy

Obama fundraisin​g a flop?

Survey says vast majority of Americans want voter ID so why all the ruckus?

Alcohol in Afghanistan

Informatio​n Disseminat​ion: More Littoral Combat Ships

9 strange ways the world really might end

Holder 1995: We Must 'Brainwash' People on Guns

Worse Than a Powder Keg

Metal thieves 'using Google Earth' to target heritage sites

Studying international defense contracts for the importation of fighter jets and sources confirm: Iraq prefer Prague on Washington

Saudi, Iraq sign deal to repatriate prisoners

Thousands of Sadr loyalists attend south Iraq demo

EagleSpeak​: The U.S. Navy and the Persian Gulf: Ramping up slowly

What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama

Operation Vast & Obvious

Poll: 58% say Obama’s policies driving gas costs higher, 48% expect unemployme​nt to rise

Polls show Lugar in trouble in GOP primary

Broken down and rusting, is this the future of Britain's 'wind rush'?

Fund But Verify the Export-Import Bank

Morning Bell: Obamacare Is A Cancer That Must Go

Peyton Manning picks Broncos, talking contract

Navy says it will add ships to Persian Gulf amid Iran threats

Washington Post Halfway Out of the Obama Tank?

The Left's Long-Time War on Women

The 'Inevitabi​lity' Vote by Thomas Sowell

Union Thugs Threaten Citizen Election Watchdogs

Chicago Dems: Vote for the crook, it’s important …

Video: MN legislator​s have immunity from drunk-driv​ing laws?

Heil Hollywood: The Los Angeles bunker from which Hitler planned to run Nazi empire after the war

EagleSpeak​: Iran: Increases oil storage capacity on Kharg Island "to foil EU sanctions"

Russian special forces arrive in Syrian port: opposition sources

Ehud Barak to sign deal for delivery of sixth German-mad​e submarine

More women are prospering as sugar mamas

and finally........

'Missiles from the sea' kill 16 AQAP fighters in Zinjibar

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