
Thursday, 22 March 2012

It's a miracle................from Rico

Crushing Silver.

HFT algorithm caught in the act.
- Here is evidence of "taking Silver to the woodshed" 75,000 times per second!

The quote rate of the paper ETF symbol SLV sustained a trading-rate greater than 75,000/sec. for 25 milleseconds yesterday (3/20/2012).

So desperate* was the desire to crush Silver spot prices that the order-flow moved faster than light.
- The closing Silver spot dropped from 32.91 to 31.80.

Of course, in a corrupt "Chicago Way" system [MF Global/CME/COMEX/SLV] as run by Odummy's misAdministration and abetted by the regulators [CFTC], why is this any surprise?
- After all, the dead rise in Chicago to vote on a regular basis so why not 'trade' more Silver than ever existed on the planet to....let's see, should we call this 'manipulation, intervention, urban legend, whack-a-mole?'...well, it hardly seems to matter these days, does it? As they say in Chicago "it's a miracle." Besides, who you gonna believe anyway, yer obviously lyin' eyes or JP Morgan?

And you can be sure that JP Morgan (look at their (a) concentrated naked paper short position in Silver, and (b) trustee relationship with SLV) had nothing to do with any of this.....[shuffling feet, whistling, looking at shoes].
- Move along now. Nothing to see here.

*Perpetuating a failing monetary system.

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