This placard is posted prominently inside Obummer's Chicago re-election headquarters.
Apparently his "re-elect me" campaign theme can be distilled into these four lines.
- All of them the polar opposite (in words) from his actual deeds...and I think his true intent, if unstated for obvious reasons.
Presented for all those still unsure of just "how high" these phonies (D) can stack bullshit.
- Just to cheer y'awl up, remember that apart from stylistic differences, Romney (R) is exactly the same as Obummer (C).
Perfect lose-lose election shaping up...
Here's what it says:
Putting Americans back to work is job one. But we have to do more.
We have to reclaim the security the middle-class has lost by restoring the basic values that made our country great.
America prospers when we're all in it together; when hard work pays off and responsibility is rewarded; when everyone from Main Street to Wall Street does their fair share and plays by the same rules. To create true middle-class security, we can't just cut our way to prosperity. We must out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the world.
We need an economy built to last — that creates jobs of the future and makes things the rest of the world buys — not one built on outsourcing, loopholes and risky financial deals that jeopardize our entire economy and threaten the security of the middle class.
Friday, 16 March 2012
How high?.............from Rico
Theo Spark
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As Ann Coulter says, Democrats always run as Republicans.
Four good reasons to vote to get rid of Obama.
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