
Thursday 1 March 2012

Casino Games...............from Rico

The casino is open for business!

Many 'noticed' the massive bear raid in precious metals today. The smokescreen and cover story was Ben Bernanke's 10am statement, but the bullion banks knew in advance to the minute what the 'plan' was and executed it flawlessly. And right on time.
- Synchronized watches and all that, old boy.
- Approx. 225 million oz of paper Silver were 'dumped' on the COMEX today in under half an hour. I'm sure it was just a 'coincidence' that today was also the 'first day's notice' for Silver on the COMEX.
- But, last time I looked, there were under 30 million oz of Silver registered for delivery with dealers at the COMEX.

The COMEX is being 'gamed' [read: manipulated] with impunity* by the big trading houses. The corruption is quite open, as there are no consequences for rigging the casino anymore. I'd stop playing if I were you. Unlike Obama, I'd suggest Las Vegas if you want to gamble these days. Las Vegas has better entertainment, better food, cheaper drinks, prettier women, and (compared to the Chicago Way and the COMEX) are relatively honest in their odds. The old Sands is quite nice, or the Luxor.

*It looks like there will be NO criminal charges or consequences for the MF Global theft. [NYT] Maybe when TurboTax Timmy steps aside, Corzine (Obama's prize cash bundler) can now be considered as his replacement completely absent any indictments or charges. (Somewhere Bernie Madoff is weeping into his prison pillow...or perhaps biting it.) That would sound about right to this kleptocratic regime, I imagine.

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