
Wednesday, 8 February 2012

To Protect and Serve..................from Rico

A phrase long-used by local police authorities and often written on their patrol cars "To Protect and Serve" used to mean that they were there to 'protect and serve' the citizens. The public.
- From criminals.

Now that criminals are running things, the paradigm has clearly changed and it begs the question "To Protect and Serve who exactly?"

DHS. That fascist-sounding entity named the Department of Homeland Security is behaving in an increasingly fascist way. Their TSA brownshirts are shaking-down children, old folks, and the population not only at airports but train stations, bus depots, and at random internal roadblocks today. While they haven't caught any terrorists this way, they have done a really swell job of cowing the civilian population and bullying them into submission.
- I went to bed 14 April 2009 a conservative (less government, lower taxes, more freedom) combat veteran but awoke the next morning, according to DHS, a possible right-wing extremist needing to be watched.

FBI. On 06 February 2012, the FBI warned Law Enforcement Agencies that opponents of (big) government, (higher) taxes, and (more) regulations were extremists who pose a threat to local law enforcement officers.
- Say what? Do you see the 'pattern' yet?

The paradigm of "innocent until proven guilty: has shifted to "guilty until proven innocent" and this is why the friendly Barney Fife Peace Officer with one bullet in his shirt pocket image has been replaced by military looking and military-equipped Enforcement officers who are increasingly acting like Storm Troopers and look like an occupying military force.
- We once taught our children that the Policeman was their friend, and to seek one out if they needed help or were in trouble. This is no longer the case. Who in their right mind would ask a Stasi or Gestapo agent for help?

1 comment:

  1. Radley has this stuff down to a near science.
