
Wednesday 22 February 2012

Oymoron of The Day: "Jewish Leaders" Dan Friedman

Can you say useless idiots in empty suits just like the 1930’s in Arabic? df

February 21, 2012

Jewish leaders meet King Abdullah in Amman; Report King’s “Praise” For Bibi

JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Jordan's King Abdullah in a meeting in Amman with a delegation of Jewish leaders praised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for working to bring the Palestinians to the peace negotiating table.

Presidents Conference Executive Vice Chairman Malcolm Hoenlein Hoenlein said Abdullah expressed "appreciation" to Netanyahu for taking steps to help in "creating a climate in which negotiations [with the Palestinians] can move forward."


ABC News, 2/22/2012

Jordan's King Blames Israel for Deadlocked Peace


AMMAN, Jordan

King Abdullah II on Tuesday blamed Israel for deadlocked Mideast peacemaking in a meeting with U.S. Jewish leaders, the official Petra News Agency said.

But the king's guests offered a more optimistic version of events, saying Abdullah had also been complimentary of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's position in recent peace talks.


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Dan Friedman

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