
Friday, 10 February 2012


Not the Global Warming Weekly Round-Up

New Military Roles for Women?

TPC: Live from CPAC, a patriot!

BAE Systems Awarded $31 Million to Refurbish M113A2s for Iraq

CDR Salamander​: Advice to a "Temporary​" Boyfriend ...

Gorbachev: Russia faces turmoil as Putin won't change

Commander killed in drone strike 'funneled Pakistani jihadists' to al Qaeda

Obama 'Reinforce​d' Commitment to Abortifaci​ent Mandate at Retreat

Mom Runs Burglars Off with Gun

Colleges Are Selling Naming Rights to Campus Restrooms

New congressio​nal report slams Bush and Obama administra​tions over Gitmo detainee releases

How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy

Mexican army finds 15 tons of pure methamphet​amine

Air Force office removes 'God' from logo

Remember Dukakis and the tank? Meet Obama and the marshmallow gun

U.S. approves 1st nuclear reactors since 1978

Obama's Anti-Israe​l Sell-Out Continues

No Child Left Behind waivers let Team Obama seize control of your child's education

Assad forces mull use of chemical weapons in Homs, opposition says

Pakistani airspace being used for NATO supplies

U.S. military seeks more access in Philippine​s

Aren't Republicans Supposed to Be Colorblind?

Big Business: Planned Parenthood Raking in $164 Million in Abortion Money Each Year

Why wasn’t Obama in contempt of court?

Obama To Give 10 States A Pass On No Child Left Behind Deadline

U.S. median household income up 4% at end of 2011

US approves first new nuclear reactors since 1978

Your father's heart disease could now be yours

Prince Harry’s in the firing line – but Britain's Armed Forces grow weaker by the day

Euro crisis averted? Don’t believe a word of it

Syria: tanks storm Homs amid fears of ground invasion

Elderly told: go back to work and downsize

Nimrod destruction cost taxpayer £3.4bn as MoD ignored 'cost implications', MPs say

Mystery of 200-year-old shipwreck found off US coast

'We will defend ourselves': Argentine defence minister ups the ante over Falklands

US Disarmament Expert: 'The Risk that Nuclear Weapons Will Be Used Is Growing'

Obama’s sneaky treaties

Bideford Town Council prayers ruled unlawful

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