
Thursday, 2 February 2012

New DOiJ motivation​al poster planned...............from Rico

The attached presages a 'new' motivational poster reportedly being planned for the Federal Agency formerly-known-as DOJ (Department of Justice), which under Eric [remember Elian Gonzalez?] Holder has become the DOiJ (Department of inJustice).


Providing military-grade weapons to Mexican drug cartels sounds about as "just" as Corzine's MF Global 'vaporizing" $1.2 bn of client money is.
[the euphamism 'vaporizing' sounds so much better than 'stealing' doesn't it? It's like 'sociopath' and 'psychopath' mean the same thing, but many would argue that one sounds nicer than the other]
- Neither of them will do hard jail time since they are protected by their pal Barry, the arch-criminal of the day. Instead Jon C. recently went shopping for a french Chateau, while one wonders if Eric has an option on the Northern half of Mexico...or maybe the whole enchilada.

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