
Sunday, 5 February 2012

The Looney Tunes Version of the GOP Campaigns

My favorite Looney Tunes Characters (c) Warner Brothers
By Alan Caruba

I have begun to think of the Republican campaign as a series of Looney Tunes cartoons being replayed again and again. They are filled with a combination of laughs and the fantastical, self-defeating violence of Wily Coyote trying to catch the Roadrunner

As the primary season moves along, I sometimes think that far too many Republicans have temporarily lost their minds. Three years of Barack Obama will do that to you.

My response to the campaign thus far may have something to do with the fact that, like Reagan and others, I was once a Democrat and, to borrow a phrase from Paul, First Corinthians, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”

These days, a lot of Republicans sound like a kid who sent Santa a list of toys he wanted and, even though he got most of them, he feels compelled to write and ask why he didn’t get all of them.

Granted that Republicans don’t have the most scintillating field of candidates, but most, including Donald Trump, have concluded that a guy that made millions as a successful venture capitalist, gave a couple of million away in charity just last year, has been a Governor, and hasn’t had a single hint of scandal in his life, might not be such a bad choice.

His opponents at this point include a guy who wants to start a Moon colony, is married to his third wife, left the Speaker’s position under a cloud of ethics impropriety, is given to saying genuinely bizarre and extremely nasty things with regularity, and would make the pathological narcissist in the White House look like a Boy Scout.

Another opponent—one whom nobody including himself—thinks could get elected seems to be in the race for the purpose of having one last hurrah, beating the drum for a few good ideas and a lot of really bad ones. Ron Paul has been in Congress since shortly after the last Ice Age ended and has sponsored only one bill that passed.

And, finally, there is Rick Santorum who is so infused with religious commitment that he reminds me of someone who was touted in a similar fashion, a former Sunday school teacher named Jimmy Carter. All the religion in the world cannot substitute for the steely-eyed realism a President requires in a world filled with evil counterparts.

It’s the voters, however, about whom I worry. New Hampshire was expected to endorse Romney, but in South Carolina Republicans there gave the nod to Gingrich. The Floridians came through with the unmistakable choice, based I am inclined to think on the many older and wiser citizens that live there though, in fact, he won all the demographic groups.

Ron Paul may be mildly amusing to some, but he cannot win. Santorum is a nice guy and, as the saying goes, nice guys finish last. And Newt Gingrich is like one of the Loony Tunes characters, the Tasmanian devil, going around wrecking the place and throwing bombshells that do nothing to advance the Republican and/or conservative agenda.

Too many Republicans appear to be waiting for a candidate who is perfection in every respect, political and personal, and in the real world few fit that description. America has had its shot at electing a “messiah” and it has turned out very badly.

As the rest of the primaries unwind, I anticipate that Mitt Romney will emerge as the party’s choice. I also expect a lot of pure nonsense about his being a Mormon, about the fact that he has not always hewed perfectly to conservative principles, and that he has—God forbid—actually changed his mind more than once or twice in the past.

Lost in all this blather is the fact that he is ideally prepared for the toughest job in the world and appears to have both feet planted firmly on the ground. I actually like the idea that he occasionally misspeaks, admits it, and then apologizes.

I hope that between now and the convention in Tampa, Republicans will regain their senses, their optimism, and their fighting spirit.

Rolling over for the worst President of the modern era because our candidate is not “perfect” is not an option.

Voting for a third party candidate is not an option.

Staying home on Election Day because “your guy” didn’t get the nomination is not an option.

The Republican compass has to point in only one direction and that is the resounding defeat of Barack Obama.

© Alan Caruba, 2012


Anonymous said...

I am not voting for Mr. Flip Flop Mittens. He is Ozero light. Look at his record in Mass: Pro Abortion, Pro Tax and Spend, Anti Second amendment, Romney Care (which is bankrupting MAss right now).

Anyone see any difference between Ozero and Mittens other than party affiliation? Really Caruba and Colter need to stop drinking the "only electable" koolaide and learn from Juan McShamnisty pounding in 2008.

We don't need a faux conservative on the ticket and Mittens is certainly a RINO of the first order.

Dale said...

During the next presidental term the US will experience hyperinflation. Only Paul proposes to do anything about it but; (1) cannot get elected, and (2) couldn't get his program through even if the Repubicans won every seat in Congress. Thus the ONLY issue is who will get blamed for the hyperinflation. That is why I'm supporting Obama.

Alan Caruba said...

Dale, you are also supporting the greatest debt the nation has ever had--along with the first downgrade of its credit rating. Plus massive unemployment, a near dead housing market...need I go on?

But citing facts to liberals is always a waste of time.

Alan Caruba said...

Dale, you are also supporting the greatest debt the nation has ever had--along with the first downgrade of its credit rating. Plus massive unemployment, a near dead housing market...need I go on?

But citing facts to liberals is always a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

alan...I think dale is supporting obama so that all of those problems..which are sure to come to head in the next squarely on the person who caused them. in theory this should push the (D) types out of power for a long time.

it's a theory. short term, it's bad for the country. but long term it could be far better for everyone.

Cargosquid said...

To those that want to take their ball and go home...

Mitt is a democrat lite and there's no difference between Obama and Mitt....really? So, there's no difference between your standard liberal Republican and a socialist progressive that wants to fundamentally transform America? Really?

Yep. Mitt is not a conservative. But he's more conservative than Obama.

"He's taking us to the same place, only slower!" So what? So you're going to assist in the election of the speed demon?

Death by firing squad or slow least when you die slowly, you can find an antidote or take revenge.

Cain was my original choice. He turned out to be an idiot. Perry couldn't even get on the ballot in Virginia nor could Gingrich. But Paul could. And Perry and Gingrich state that they're ready for the big time....sad really. And now Gingrich has imploded.

I hope Paul stays in. He has good ideas on domestic policy but is a total nut on everything else. Get rid of the CIA? He is nuts.

Santorum....charisma of a rock. Nice guy. The US has changed. Unfortunately, his religious convictions push away people instead of inspiring them.

So...Romney seems to be last man standing.

But, go ahead. Don't vote for him. I applaud your conviction to support Obama.

The Machiavellian said...

Do I wish we had a better candidate than Romney? Sure.

Unfortunately, Newt, as brilliant as he is, especially his fluency in our founding theories, is simply outweighed by the tendency of his ego to get in the way of his good sense.

His attack on Bain capital and the utterly unexplainable jettisoning of his winning strategy from South Carolina during the Florida primary shows an innate inability to channel his best qualities and hold his worst at bay.

Paul blames America itself for the 9/11 attacks. Anything else he says, is disqualified because of this. He is a crackpot and should be afforded no more respect than that station deserves.

That leaves Romney. Is he everything this Tea Partier wants? Of course not.

But when you find yourself in a hole, the first rule is to stop digging.

We have to stop the trillion dollar deficits. We have to stop the attack on the Constitution and our civil rights. We have to stop the growth of the state. We have to stop the stranglehold on our energy production.

Even if Romney is no more conservative than GW Bush, our national slide to oblivion will slowed, if not stopped.

Any goal requires a first step. And the first step is to get rid of the neo-communist in the White House. That means voting for Romney.

That halts the decline. The next and more important step is to hold the House and regain the Senate. At that point, we can then push to roll back the welfare and bureaucratic state the Democrats have constructed under Obama.

Anonymous said...

Paul doesn't get bills passed because they are Constitutional and neither the Republicans nor the Democrats want to follow the Constitution.

Only Paul will lead America toward the government that the founders envisioned. You say he is not electable and yet everywhere I travel, I meet more and more Americans who say they support Paul because they are tired of the wars, the lies from both sides of the aisle and the destroyed economy.

Paul is the only Republican who has a chance to defeat Obama.


Anonymous said...

Three hundred million Americans in this country and the best the Republicans can come up with are disgraced legislator/ architect of Obamascare/ illegal alien advocates/ global warming adherents and the list of insanity goes on and on, why should I vote for Democrat lite?
I'll spend my votes on Congressmen to stymy the lunacy of both parties leaders.

Michael Gene

Anonymous said...


I think that you are the one that has temporarily lost his mind. This piece of Looney Tunes political spin is not up to your usual standards. This is not a time in America to accept the usual least of two evils. The American people deserve a real conservative leader, not a liberal like Mitt Romney! If it takes another third party movement to wake the Republican establishment up, so be it. Or, conservative independents can just stay at home and wait for a real conservative statesman to emerge.

Stick to the issues, Alan! You make a very poor political spin doctor.

Boyd Robinson

LifeoftheMind said...

The Paulbots are sicker and crazier than even Ron Paul. They are not Republicans but recycled Lyndon Larouche Democrats. Many of those posting under the Paul cover, hurling charges like RINO, are really agents sent by the Democrats to troll the Web. They did this before in 2008 to suppress the GOP vote. It succeeded and gave us Obama.

Anonymous said...

When you vote for the lesser of two evils at the end of the day you still end up with evil...

The Weary Man said...

Honestly, I'm still not sure who to support. I was also a Cain supporter (like one of the earlier posters) and I really do like Santorum. I think he's far more conservative than any of the others left in the field, and he's not all about religion, despite what others would paint him as.

That said, NO MATTER WHO wins the GOP nomination, they have my full and unreserved support. All that matters to me is that Obama is gone come 2013. I honestly don't think that Mitt is the right guy to do it (Romneycare sinks him) But I will still provide my full-throated support of him if he gets the nomination.

Obama has not, nor ever will get my vote, and I NEVER sit home on election day.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.....lotta confused people here thinking that "conservative" means the same thing as "Republican". That really hasn't been true at all......ever. Lincoln a conservative? Roosevelt? Ike? Nixon? Please.

So ya'all vote "anybody but Obummer" all day long if you want to, and then lie to yourselves about how good a choice it was. Because, you know, lying to yourself is OK.......

Scott said...

Anon, your a genius...In your own mind...Just stay home then. Why do you feel like you have to let everyone know that you won't vote for Romney? No-one cares...Sit on your hands or shake your fist at the TV screen or your computer screen. You are sooooo much smarter than everyone else after-all. And if Obama wins again, you can tell everyone that you knew it...Your a defeatist at heart and a drama-queen by psycology. Good luck with that life strategy.