
Tuesday 21 February 2012

Fancy a nice luxury holiday?...............from Rico

This is just ONE of the reasons "Homeland Security" now monitors the Drudge website (and others):
- the brilliant layout on his page that does NOT 'fit' the scripted drivel meted-out to the public by the MSM (otherwise known as the Ministry of Truth).

Sandwiched between a picture of Moochelle Obama on holiday (again) were these taglines:

[above photo]
- Already talk of summer 'staycations'...

[Moochelle photo]

[below photo]
- Michelle hits the slopes in Aspen 1 month after Hawaiian holiday...
- 16th vacation in 3 years...
- For Baby Boomer's it's now 'work til you drop'...

While this really isn't been paid any attention to by the lapdog media, a lot of people who can't put gas in their cars (or are now living in their cars as a result of being unemployed and homeless) and haven't had a vacation in years (or, if they have a job, are afraid to take vacation for fear of being replaced) are starting to pay attention.
- Let's "hope" they remember long enough to throw these parasites OUT in November.....

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