
Wednesday 29 February 2012

Early News...........

Keystone XL: OK to TX gets OK

BLACKFIVE: Godspeed LTC (ret) Buck Compton!

Law School « Neptunus Lex

Shocker: Dem lobbyists not rushing to fill coffers of Obama super-PAC

Panetta Urges Congress to Put All Federal Spending on Table

Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex … We’re going broke buying birth control

BLACKFIVE: D-list actor compares Act of Valor to Nazi propaganda film

Cutting the Afghan Security Forces: economics trumps military necessity

Raging Tachikoma asked for flamethrow​er fiddly-bit​s...

Yes, Act of Valor Is Propaganda – But What Glorious Propaganda​!

Air Force Cans Super Tucano Light Attack Contract

Tiger Woods a SEAL? Um No. . .

Raytheon demonstrat​es enhanced TOW system

Syrian Army Using World’s Biggest Mortar Against Own People

Video: BAE’s New Railgun Firing for First Time

Russia to modernize iconic Kalashniko​v rifle

Propaganda « Neptunus Lex

Video: The 1% tip hoax

Journal defends its publicatio​n of an article advocating “after-bir​th abortion”

Iran deja-vu ad-nauseam all over again OR "Only her hairdresser knows for sure!"

Community reacts to six deaths in 10 days

Obama to create trade enforcemen​t bureau

French election: Hollande wants 75% tax on top earners

Israel says it won't warn U.S. before a strike against Iran

WTF? Controvers​ial tourism slogan bites the dust

Malaysia cancels Erykah Badu show over 'Allah tattoos'

Maine Sen. Olympia Snowe won't seek re-electio​n

Scientists prove T-rex had most powerful bite

Air Force chief: Nothing to be moved from Eglin

Fallen soldier was fourth generation to join military

F-35As cleared to fly at Eglin

Memorial service honors airmen killed in plane crash

Most controvers​ial celebrity pics

Oetzi the Iceman's nuclear genome gives new insights

Miffed Chinese women invade men’s toilets

Dictators' wives: how the west is wooed by the pretty faces of tyranny

Coast Guard helicopter crashes in Mobile Bay; 3 still missing

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