
Wednesday 29 February 2012

Dershowitz Paving Way For Obama Endorsemen​ Dan Friedman

Yesterday, “Israel defender” and congenital Jewish liberal Alan Dershowitz attacked Media Matters and its spokesman, a pathetic schlepper with a weak jaw and buck teeth named M.J. Rosenberg. Both the organization and its cat's-paw live off pocket change doled out by George Soros. The title of Dershowitz’s complaint, Media Matters Hurts Obama, tells the tale. It’s not so much criticism of Obama’s “close connections” to Media Matters than it is lawyerly advice to help his White House client sew up the Jewish vote and drive his legions of naïve Jewish admirers into Obama’s corral -again.

If you’re counting, Dershowitz has to date presented the president with two red lines, claiming he couldn’t back him if 1) he didn’t stop Iran’s nuclear program, or 2) didn’t publicly and pointedly disassociate himself from Media Matters and the “ant-Semitic” tirades of M.J. Rosenberg.

Obama, of course, isn’t going to gainsay Media Matters, and is much more likely to stop Israel than Iran.

My operative belief going on is that Dershowitz has a slippery tongue, and when it come to Jews, Israel and Obama, he’s an outsized hypocrite. He says he loves Israel and writes volumes “defending” it, but it’s only the Israel he’s constructed in his own left-leaning mind.

In the end I’m betting Dershowitz is going to find a way to endorse the man often described as the most hostile US President in Israel’s history. As the election draws near, keep an eye on Dershowitz’s pontifications, and his weasels. We’ll soon find out what rhetorical sleight of hand the professor has up his sleeve - and which master he’s serving.

Dan Friedman

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