
Sunday 26 February 2012

Crude MAP..............from Rico

- All gas (petrol_ prices are NOT created equal!

This map could be a 'voting' map reflecting conservative-librul (progressive).

LOOK at it for a moment.

This is a map of OIL (gas/petrol).
- It is also a map of Kafkaesque stifling bureaucracy sung to Gilbert & Sullivan.

The Dark GREEN areas are being helped by Canadian crude. The dark RED areas are the most heavily dependent upon foreign/imported crude.

So far, this is the clearest depiction of policy-maker's heads in cranial-rectal defilade I've ever seen.

So let's throw more money in the crapper of Solyndra-esque friends-of-Barry alternate-energy wankers!

Yeah, that'll NOT so work!
- Hey! Why not throw in a few fakey carbon-credits to 'save' the planet while we're at it? Al Gore is standing by the phone to take your pledges right now.

1 comment:

  1. Hawaii is easy to figure, not just because it is a lib paradise has to be shipped in. Islands are always expensive to live on.
    Alaska, because while they have the oil, they do not refine it makes two trips,,from AK to a refiner, then back...For all intents and purposes it is an island as well.

    The rest...Well that's what you get for letting libs and lib minded Repubs run things.
    Egad the taxes involved.
    Tax the guy who drills the hole, the guy who pumps it out and sends it to piper or shipper or both, and both taxed, to the refiner, who is taxed and then sends it on to the pipline company (who if sending it across several states is taxed by each one as is the case of refined here in TX and piped to the northeast and midwest) who hands it off to the storage facility who of course is taxed, and then the distro, who again is taxed (and some times it is again piped and that is taxed, or trucked by independent shippers who are also taxed), and if they ship across state lines is often taxed by more than one state again, to the station owner who is also taxed but he also adds the at the pump tax to the gasoline or diesel which includes Federal, local and state taxes.
    et viola $5 gas in parts of NYC....
