
Friday 24 February 2012

$4? Fuggedabou​did!..................from Rico

Gas is near $4/gal and climbing, but the price is heading higher. Much higher.
- Forget about $4...or even $5. I think you;ll see $6 before too long.

- Not for the idiotic reasons given by Nasty Pelosi, either (even though she is on the leading edge of political and financial corruption).

Barry's Energy Secretary Steve Chu wants to see US gas prices at EUropean levels (that would be $8-10 at today's Dollar valuation).
- Do you have ANY doubt that this is (a) policy, and/or (b) supported by the "progressives" that infest every level of this misAdministration?

Besides, gas prices are NOT's the purchasing power (value) of the Dollars being used to buy that gas that is dropping like a rock. It keeps taking more and more of those depreciating paper things to buy the same gallon of gas. It's not going to get 'better' and the Dollar is not going to get 'stronger' anytime soon, if ever.
- Looked at another way, from Jan 1971 until today, the price of oil (and thus gas) measured in Gold has averaged Au 0.0732oz/bbl. Right now, the price of a barrel of oil stands at Au 0.0602oz/bbl about 82% of the historical average price. The price of oil (gas) can reasonably be expected to increase $0.65-to-$0.75/gal just to return to 'average'....barring any other market factors like Iran, or continued wrongheaded/boneheaded energy 'policies' by politicians.

Boy, do I ever miss the days when I started driving that I could fill my cars tank for $5!

1 comment:

  1. The ought to be a museum for jokes that don't work anymore.

    This one is topical, but by the time I explain all the terms, it will sound like an ECON 302 lecture....

    Young man pulls into a service station and (to impress the young lady sitting astride the gear shift) says bigly "fillerup!" while waving two fingers wildly out the window and below the line of the sight of the YL.
