
Thursday, 12 January 2012

Voters, Twinkies................from Rico

I sure HOPE that voters will not turn out to be mental Twinkies again in 2012.

To quote George Carlin, who had this pretty well figured out:

"The next time they give you all that civic bullshit about voting, keep in mind that Hitler was elected in a full, free, democratic election."

To which I add for the non-Obamunists who will appreciate it, it has been mandatory to vote in many places...even when there is only one party or one candidate.
- I often think of one party/one candidate these days as I can see no discrenable difference between the current pResidential incumbent and the challengers. Congress fits this situation too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is hope, Theo.

In January 2012, Twinkie manufacturer Hostess filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.