
Friday, 6 January 2012

Obama Announces Pentagon Budget Cuts

This is going to be a spectacular failure.

See: "Obama Slashes Pentagon Budget Amid Growing International Danger."


Anonymous said...

"This is going to be a spectacular failure."

And that's what the Socialist has on his agenda. Destrpy America as we knew it and remake it into a Fifedom run by the likes of Bill Ayres and Noam Chomskey.

You betcha he's going to rape the military cause it stands as a Conservative threat to his egomaniac plan. The stern face bozos standing behind him better start thinking about a "reality" remake of: "The 7 days in May" Only this time give it a happy ending.

LifeoftheMind said...

Why do you think they pushed so hard to repeal "Don't Ask Don't Tell?"" It was a two step strategy.

1. Poison the well to cripple discipline and insert a thousand Bradley Mannings.

2. Slash the budget and halve the active duty forces.

Is step three engineer a spectacular defeat with our army isolated in AfPak while Iraq collapses? Can you hear the Left wing apologists crying that it was all a waste?