Monday 2 January 2012

70-foot Nazi-Era Octopus Protests 'Corporate Greed' at 'Occupy' the Rose Parade

This is truly unbelievable.

See: "'Occupy' Crashes Rose Parade: Attacks 'Corporate Greed' With 70-Foot Nazi-Era Octopus Depicting Global Jewish Conspiracy."


locomotivebreath1901 said...

Alternative headline: Panty-waist, Left Coast City Officials Roll Over for Anti-Semetic, Neo-Bolshevik Occupods to Parade Their Vile Cranial Diarrhea of Hate and Bigotry.

John The River said...

Yeh, they are ridiculous. But, they are not shouting anti-Semitic slogans nor carrying any signs that indicate that the octo is anything other then a stupid idea one of them had.
Don't falsely attribute what isn't there. It's descending to their level.