
Wednesday, 9 November 2011

This is CHANGE...............from Rico

This year will see a "shift" from the unemployed receiving unemployment benefit$, to receiving food stamps.
- Shift is also CHANGE, btw.

In 2010 about 75% of the unemployed received unemployment benefit$.
- 2011 will see that number drop to about 48%.

While being long-term unemployed (over 99 weeks) used to be the exception, many have now fallen off of that cliff and are moving directly to food stamps.

With almost 15% of the nation currently on food stamps, it is the height of mendacity for the Government to assert that the recession ended in 2009, and that we are recovering.
- Bah, humbug!

So, how is that CHANGE working out for you America?

1 comment:

Kevin in WI said...

The expiring of unemployment benefits is the best leading indicator for a future reduction in the real unemployment rate. They'll either get work to get by, or go without the $$ because they really didn't need it. This will have zero negative effect on the economy. Nobody still of work after 99 weeks, even hiss difficult economy, has really tried to get work. God forbid people had to settle for less than perfect instead of relying on everyone else to pay to carry them.